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Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Jun. 3, 2002

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
1-7-2002 1-14-2002 1-21-2002 1-28-2002
2-4-2002 2-11-2002 2-18-2002 2-25-2002
3-4-2002 3-11-2002 3-18-2002 3-25-2002
4-1-2002 4-8-2002 4-15-2002 4-22-2002
4-29-2002 5-6-2002 5-13-2002 5-20-2002
  • We start with more on the death of Davey Boy Smith, including a full-length super long obituary, because apparently 2002 is nothing but people dying. I feel like I've done nothing but recap obituaries since starting back with 2002. Anyway. in the wake of Smith's death, the reaction has sadly not been one of surprise. Anyone who saw Smith in the last 4-5 years pretty much saw it coming. The cause of death, pending toxicology results, was ruled a heart attack caused from prolonged steroid use. But until the toxicology results are back, the belief among his friends and family is that there was probably more to it. Dave talks about the staggering number of wrestlers who have died under age 40 in recent years, with upwards of 20 of them being due to drug issues.
  • Smith died while on vacation with his girlfriend Andrea Hart, estranged wife of Bruce Hart. Despite that, Smith was actually on good terms with most of the Hart family, although Andrea is not. The Hart family believes Andrea knows more than she's letting on about the circumstances of his death, but she's not talking to anybody. Andrea's children (that she had with Bruce) were also there and they each apparently have different accounts of how he died (he was sleeping! he was in the pool! he was eating!) but they all pretty much agree he collapsed doing whatever he was doing. Andrea told the press that she believed Smith had overdosed, but Smith's dad did his own interviews and denied it, saying his son had stopped using drugs and was clean when he died. Needless to say, most people aren't buying that given his track record. Smith's father decided against having the body cremated and instead ordered it sent back to England for examination to make sure he wasn't murdered. "I cannot believe his death was natural," he said. "If they find drugs in his body, then he didn't put them there. Davey was clean." (Eeeeeeehhhhh....) Shit got even messier when Andrea and Smith's ex-wife Diana Hart each tried to claim the body. Despite her book (in which she accused Smith of drugging, abusing, and raping her), Diana played grieving widow in the media even though they're divorced. It may not have been an act though. Some in the family believe Smith and Diana were trying to reconcile, and they were on good terms at the time of his death. Andrea claimed to be his common-law wife, even though she's still legally married to Bruce. She later claimed Smith had proposed to her 2 weeks before his death and said they were engaged, which was the first anyone had heard about that. Smith's father claims in their last conversation, Davey Boy had told him he was planning to break up with Andrea after their vacation. So who knows. Anyway, both Diana and Andrea planned their own separate memorial services, while Smith's dad is planning his own 3rd service. Smith's body wasn't at either of the Hart family memorial services because, as mentioned, it was sent back to England where authorities are launching an investigation at the behest of Smith's father.
  • Andrea's service was said to be small and simple, just a few dozen people, and she seemed sincere in her sorrow. Diana's service was larger and more public, with hundreds of attendees and press, along with several WWE names. Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart (who attended both services), Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Jim Ross, and others all attended and several of them spoke. Diana's eulogy featured a professionally produced video featuring Davey Boy footage from WWE that had never aired on television before. She thanked Vince for trying to help Davey with his addiction issues. She never acknowledged everything she wrote about him in her book last year. Smith's children as well as Stampede wrestler TJ Wilson gave speeches as well. 16-year-old Harry Smith was composed and gave a great speech about teaming with his father in his last matches. And then Ellie Hart got up there went about how you'd expect. She started ranting about Andrea and blaming her for not giving the family the answers they wanted and it started to turn into some drama, but the minister gently interrupted her and got things back on track. And finally, Bret Hart gave a speech, directly addressing Smith's children and saying that Davey Boy and Owen would want the children of all these Hart family members to get along with each other better than the adults have. From here, Dave gets into the actual meat of the obituary, recapping Smith's life and career. As always, an excellent read but very long to recap.
  • WWE Confidential, the new show the company is producing, aired its debut episode this week, focusing on the Montreal Screwjob. Dave once again talks about how Vince McMahon tried to downplay the incident recently, giving an interview just a couple of months ago calling the Screwjob a minor incident that almost no one cares about. Vince went so far as to say he could count on one hand the number of people who even still care about that old news. Turns out one of those must be Vince because this week, they dedicated the premiere of this new show to the story and highlighted it as the most controversial night in the history of wrestling. The hook of the show was Shawn Michaels revealing publicly, for the first time, that yes, he was in on the screwjob and knew about it in advance. Dave says this isn't really a secret. Shawn denied having any knowledge of it that night but as soon as the day after Survivor Series 97, he was bragging to friends about it. Vince McMahon also later confided in Undertaker that Shawn knew ahead of time. So it was kind of an open "secret" that Shawn knew but this is the first time he's admitted it publicly. Triple H still denies knowing about it ahead of time, but Dave is pretty skeptical there too (and indeed, it's later revealed that yes indeed, Triple H also knew). Dave thinks lots of people had to know. Even the guy who cued the music had to know, because Shawn's music was queued up and ready to play the second Vince ordered the bell to be rung. Pat Patterson always claimed not to know and Bret has said he wants to believe it, because he likes Pat, but the way Pat interrupted the match-planning conversation and specifically suggested the sharpshooter spot to them makes Bret question it (I think Patterson still denies it to this day, but I have my doubts there too). Anyway, the show recapped the history of the Screwjob and if you know Dave, you know he's about to poke a whole bunch of holes in WWE's revisionist bullshit. Here we go...
  • The story of the episode was WWF was close to going out of business due to the WCW war and couldn't afford Bret anymore, so Vince nobly allowed Hart out of his contract so he could negotiate a better deal with WCW. Actually, Dave says, Vince first talked to Bret about deferring some of his contract to later on but that was a couple months earlier. At the time, WWF really was having some financial struggles, but it's an exaggeration to say they were almost driven out of business. They were never even close. But regardless, that's irrelevant because in Sept. 97, they raised the price of PPVs by $10. That added revenue, which was nearly $1 million per month in pure profit, was easily enough to get them out of financial trouble. By the time Survivor Series 97 rolled around, WWF was doing just fine, money-wise, and were only a couple months away from catching fire and getting nuclear hot. So no, they did not need to get rid of Bret's contract. And in fact, in October, a couple weeks before Survivor Series, Vince changed his mind and asked Bret to stay, saying that the financial situation had turned around. But by this point, Hart's negotiations with WCW were full speed ahead and Vince allowed Hart to continue negotiating. But after talking to both sides, it was clear Vince had no real plan for Bret and he didn't really seem like he wanted to keep him, so Bret took the WCW deal and the rest is history. But of course, none of that is mentioned in this show. The episode also claimed Hart refused to drop the title to anyone (again, not true. Only Shawn. Bret even offered to lose it to Brooklyn Brawler if they wanted. In fact, Dave breaks down all the different scenarios that were presented here, and Bret was willing to lose the title to anyone other than Shawn, anywhere other than that show in Montreal, at any date before or after the PPV. They had actually presented Bret with dozens of different scenarios, all of which he agreed to, only for Vince to keep coming back around to Shawn at Survivor Series, which was the one and only thing Bret wouldn't budge on). They also tried to paint the picture that Bret could have taken the title to WCW the night after Survivor Series. In fact, Bret's WWF contract didn't end until Dec. 1st, and he was booked on more than a dozen house shows after Survivor Series and had even agreed to work the early December PPV because Bischoff had given his blessing. There was zero chance Bret was going to show up with the belt on Nitro. There was concern that Bischoff would go on Nitro the next day and announce he had signed Bret, and Dave says it's true that Bischoff certainly was planning to do that. But Bret had also asked Bischoff to hold off on the announcement and Bischoff had agreed. Vince knew about that too, but in recorded conversations with Bret (from the Wrestling With Shadows documentary), Vince didn't seem concerned since the word was already out and everyone knew Bret was leaving already. This just goes on and on. We all know the story already. Anyway, TL;DR - interesting show, but WWE's version of the story is bullshit. But we all knew that.
  • At the latest NJPW show, Antonio Inoki came out and cut a promo. He talked about being in attendance recently at the World Cup and said wrestling needs something like that. Inoki claimed he had put together a deal with WWE for a joint NJPW/WWE show to take place later in the year. Dave doesn't know if there's any truth to that story, but this is the first he's heard of it and he doesn't think it makes any sense for WWE so he's skeptical.
  • Usually in Japan, TV-Asahi airs the finals of NJPW's G1 Climax tournament live. But this year that may not happen, as they're looking at airing one of Inoki's MMA shows instead. This is a direct result of the terrible rating the recent Tokyo Dome show drew when it aired live. This company is struggling mightily lately.
  • Random news and notes: Inoki recently recruited a 23-year old Brazillian MMA fighter named Lyoto Machida to come to NJPW (he never really does anything in NJPW other than train at the dojo, but he had a long career in UFC and still fights for Bellator to this day). Dusty Rhodes is the new co-host of Turner South's Atlanta Braves pre-game show called "Hey The Braves Are Next!" Scott Hall will be working Insane Clown Posse's upcoming Gathering of the Juggalos event. Former WCW wrestler Evan Karagis recently filmed a role on the soap opera "Passions."
  • In the main event of FOX's Celebrity Boxing show, Chyna lost by decision to Joey Buttafuoco. Chyna's mystique of being a woman who only wants to compete with men got pretty much obliterated here, as the larger Buttafuoco manhandled her with ease for much of the match, which probably makes all those big tough wrestlers who sold for her feel kinda silly. But Buttafuoco came in as a hated heel to the audience and despite how she got pummeled, many people felt Buttafuoco was fighting dirty and cheating, so Chyna wasn't too hurt by it. She talked about wanting a rematch and Dave says if PRIDE really wants to break into the U.S. market, they could throw it onto one of their cards. Hey, this show did a really strong TV rating, maybe a rematch would be just the kind of freak-show attraction needed for PRIDE to get attention in the U.S. Nothing else they've tried has worked. Dave also suggests NWA-TNA could book it, but a worked wrestling match between the two probably wouldn't get as much media attention.
WATCH: Chyna vs. Joey Buttafuoco - Celebrity Boxing Match (2002)
  • Big Dick Dudley's ex-wife, former ECW valet Elektra, did an interview talking about his death. She said he'd had stomach pains all week and couldn't urinate. But didn't go to the doctor because he didn't think it was a big deal. Then at one point he got up to go to the bathroom but collapsed on the floor and died there on the spot. Jeez. At the time of his death, he had lost over 100 pounds from his peak weight of 320 in ECW several years ago.
  • Vince Russo is going to be writing a book about his time in WWF. Due to legal reasons and the ongoing lawsuit, it won't include much about his WCW tenure (I think he's written a book or two, but I've never read them, so if anyone has any insight, feel free to share).
  • Shaun Assael's book "Sex, Lies, & Headlocks: The Real Story of Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation" will be published next month and is getting strong early reviews. Dave has talked to several of the people who spoke with Assael for the book and some of them expect it to be good while others feel that Assael fell victim to the cons and charms of wrestlers who were working him. We shall see, says Dave.
  • The debut NWA-TNA PPV will feature some sort of tournament to crown a new NWA champion. Dan Severn is no longer the champion after not agreeing to work the show (he already had a prior MMA booking for that date in New Mexico). As a result, the NWA (which is now working with TNA) just stripped him of the belt, which is convenient because they didn't really want to use Severn anyway, so now they can do whatever they originally planned to do with the belt without having to book an excuse to get it off him. The Jarretts and this new promotion now have full control over both the NWA world and tag team titles.
  • Mike Tenay has been named the lead announcer for the new NWA-TNA promotion. They're also trying to get Lex Luger to appear for the debut show, but Dave thinks its unlikely since Luger is financially set for life and has shown no interest in doing any wrestling since WCW folded.
  • Jeff Jarrett had talks with Bret Hart about coming in to do a Team Canada gimmick. Latest Dave heard is that Hart isn't interested, but they may bring in some of the new generation of Harts for it. There's been talk of bringing in TJ Wilson, Harry Smith, and Teddy Hart as a new version of the group. Smith is still only 16 and it's way too early to put him on the national stage yet and in a lot of states, he wouldn't even legally be allowed to perform. Wilson is also a teenager, from a bad home who pretty much grew up as an honorary Hart member in the Hart household. And Teddy Hart is a natural in-ring performer who would already be in WWE if not for the fact that during his two training camp tryouts, he had behavioral incidents both times. But they're all talented and will likely be big stars in the future. Last time WWE was in Calgary, Vince McMahon personally requested to meet with all 3 of them for a private tryout, but it didn't amount to anything.
  • Little bit of a change in the WWF writing teams. Brian Gewertz is now the official head writer for Raw, while Paul Heyman is the lead writer for Smackdown. Stephanie McMahon will continue to oversee creative for both shows and, of course, Vince still has final say on everything. Dave expects this to result in Raw being a more comedic show while Smackdown will be the more serious in-ring product (pretty much, yeah. And thus, we have the official beginning of Heyman-era Smackdown and soon we'll see the birth of the Smackdown Six).
  • Notes from Raw: show opened with Chris Benoit making his unannounced return to a huge pop. Dave still expects Benoit to eventually be managed by Arn Anderson, which has been the plan for months (and never happens). That was actually the original plan before the NWO was brought in. If Benoit was healthy in time (which, turned out he wasn't so it didn't matter anyway), the original idea was Benoit vs. Austin at Wrestlemania 18 with Anderson managing Benoit. But that obviously all changed. Anyway, what else? Dave once again mentions that Jeff Hardy looks physically awful. He seems to know about Hardy's drug issues and seems to be hinting about it without saying it. Tommy Dreamer continued his gross gimmick by drinking Undertaker's tobacco spit. Lesnar beat Bubba Ray Dudley but had to sell a ton in the match and Dave doesn't get it. For a guy that they so clearly want to turn into a Goldberg-like star, selling for midcarders every week isn't how Goldberg got over. Jim Ross went on and on about how Lesnar has never been pinned, which Dave says is an insult to all the fans who have seen Lesnar do jobs at house shows. RVD beat Eddie Guerrero in a 20+ minute ladder match and Dave says it's the longest match on Raw in at least a year. Dave gives it 4 stars and considering how messy and sloppy it was, that shows you how good it was. Lots of dangerous spots, some botched moves, and most notably a moment when a fan ran into the ring and knocked over the ladder while Eddie was climbing up. Eddie and Earl Hebner started stomping the fan until security dragged him out. Still an awesome match though. And finally, Benoit returned at the end of the show and turned heel on Austin. Dave says Benoit actually isn't ready yet and isn't supposed to be back in the ring until July, but the company is so desperate for anything to give them a shot in the arm that they may have pulled the trigger on this angle early.
WATCH: Fan shoves Eddie Guerrero off the ladder
  • Notes from Smackdown: the only thing Dave talks about is the Hulk Hogan retirement angle they did and he's got mixed feelings on it. First the positive: he gives Hogan credit for being an absolutely incredible performer when the heat is on. And Hogan gave a tremendous performance in this and Dave doesn't let it go unrecognized. But then the negative: in the promo, Hogan talked at length about when his dad was dying, he was basically expressionless except for Monday and Thursday nights when he'd watch WWF and his face would light up. So Hogan said his dad's last words were he wanted to see his son return to the WWF. So that's all sweet and nice, right? Weeeeeell....Hogan has told a different version of this story in the past. In previous interviews, Hogan said his dad was disgusted by what wrestling had become and he wanted Hogan to "clean it up." The idea that he was laying in the hospital and only coming to life when his beloved WWF was on doesn't exactly jibe with what Hogan has said before. And no matter what the truth is, Dave is uncomfortable Hogan using his dead dad as a way to get this storyline over, but hey, he ain't the first and won't be the last.
  • WWE's first show in Hawaii in probably 15 years is scheduled for later this month. Rock is scheduled to work the show and tickets sold out 2 hours after they went on sale. While we're at it, the Australia show in August also sold out the 47,000-seat Colonial Stadium in Melbourne in only 4 days. Once they scale the stadium for production, they plan to open up more seats.
  • It's "basically a sure thing" that Hogan vs. Vince McMahon will be one of the top matches at Summerslam. How they get there seems to change weekly. There's been talks of having Hogan take time off after King of the Ring and return for the Vince match at Summerslam. There's also been talk of him sticking around through the entire summer. So who knows? (Ended up being a mixture of both: Hogan stuck around the entire summer, but then he did an angle to get written off TV right before Summerslam. And he didn't come back until early 2003. And, of course, we got the Hogan/Vince match at Wrestlemania)
  • More info on the incident from a couple weeks ago where Kevin Nash and X-Pac reportedly threw a fit and got the script changed. They were told by writer Ed Koskey what the plans were for them on the show. Nash and X-Pac didn't like it, especially X-Pac since it involved him doing 2 jobs during the same show. X-Pac said he was quitting and told Nash he'd meet him in the car. Nash told Shane McMahon he'd go calm X-Pac down and straighten everything out. Nash and X-Pac came back, had meetings with Shane and Jim Ross, and then later with Koskey and Brian Gewertz (who wrote the show). They managed to convince the writers to change it more to their liking. Nash was also upset about how Ric Flair went on TV and said he'd fired Scott Hall. Nash didn't like the idea of Flair on TV being able to hire and fire people from their NWO, because that kinda takes away from the idea of the NWO as an autonomous, outsider group that doesn't play by WWE's rules. So that's why Nash was able to go out on TV on this night and cut the promo about how Flair doesn't control the NWO. Of course, Hall is still gone, so I guess he still does. Anyway, both Nash and X-Pac were pissed over all this and caused a scene, especially X-Pac, to the point others in the locker room wondered why they weren't disciplined instead of being given their way. But if you wonder that, you clearly ain't been paying attention to Nash over the years. Anyway, X-Pac still did the job in the Hardyz match, but not in the second match.
  • Random news: house shows in Alexandria and Baton Rouge, LA were both canceled this weekend due to low ticket sales. Shit's selling out in record time in Australia and Hawaii, but they can't give tickets away in Louisiana apparently. Undertakers hips were both banged up after the Hogan match at the PPV but he continued working, although he was limited (and years later, he'd have to get major surgery on both those hips). At Raw in Edmonton, Ric Flair was getting huge pops and "woo!" chants for him before the show started, so they filmed a backstage segment where he told Arn Anderson how much he hates Edmonton so they would boo him when he came out live. Lance Cade won the HWA title from Johnny the Bull down in developmental. WWF was pushing the city of Edmonton to present Benoit with the key to the city on Raw, but Edmonton wasn't so keen on the idea. And finally, during a bikini contest at the house show in Winnipeg, Ivory's top got pulled down, exposing her boob, much to the delight of many in the crowd.
  • Remember how MTV's The Osbournes was the only show routinely beating Raw in the cable ratings? That's changing. The Osbournes is over for the season, but this week, Raw fell to #4 behind the Lakers/Spurs NBA playoff game and 2 different episodes of SpongeBob. Patrick's a draw, brother.
  • Raven has been doing commentary on Sunday Night Heat, but he recently asked to be removed from it because he feels like it hurts his wrestling character. Dave thinks this is pretty risky. Raven as a wrestler is probably nearing the end of his shelf-life and lord knows WWE hasn't shown any desire to push him. And he was actually pretty fantastic at commentary. So giving up a safe job that he was excelling at for one that WWE doesn't really seem to see any value in him for seems like a good way to find yourself on the chopping block next time they decide to get rid of some people (yup, he'll be gone from the company in another 7 months or so). For what it's worth though, this isn't the first time Raven has been in this situation. Back in the 90s, he was a manager and commentator in WWF then too, under the name Johnny Polo. But when they weren't interested in using him as a wrestler, he quit the company and reinvented himself in ECW as Raven. Sometimes you gotta bet on yourself.
  • Jim Ross has a weekly article where he usually just shares all the latest injuries everyone has. This leads Dave on a bit of a tangent when Ross wrote about how Triple H has a fractured patella. The injury was diagnosed by Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham and Andrews told Triple H to be careful with it, but he could continue wrestling as long as he can take the pain. Basically one of the world's top sports doctors saying, "Yeah you've got a broken knee, but throw some dirt on it, you'll be fine." It's no wonder so many of these guys end up on pain pills rather than getting the medical treatment they need.
  • Also in his article, Jim Ross admitted that the WWE is not doing a good job lately of providing a product the fans want to see. Dave thinks that's just about as strong a statement he's heard on the current state of WWE from someone so high up within the company. Ross admitted they need to create new rivalries, elevate new young talent, and effectively introduce new stars. However, Ross also blamed the economy and the abnormally high number of injuries everyone is dealing with right now for part of the problems too. Dave says the economy may play a small role in the declining live event and PPV numbers, but usually when the economy is in the toilet, TV ratings go up because people are staying home more. Not the case here. Injuries, yes that's a problem for sure. But the core of all WWE's problems right now comes down to the simple fact that the show pretty much sucks. And at least someone high up in the office seems to finally be publicly admitting it.
  • Tough Enough 2 is down to the final four. Dave talks about how Jackie Gayda is now the sentimental favorite because she tore her ACL during the show but has still refused to quit, which opened a lot of eyes on her. Speaking of Tough Enough, in a WCW-like comedy of errors, they aired a promo for next week's episode before the current episode was finished, thus spoiling who the final 4 were going to be, before it was revealed on the show people were watching.
  • The WWF Forceable Entry album has sold around 364,000 copies total since its release. But it's actually considered a pretty huge failure because WWF had to pay so much money in fees and up front advances to the various artists on the album, and they're nowhere close to recouping that cost. (The album eventually sells over 500,000 and goes gold but still a flop).
NEXT WEDNESDAY: A look at the dismal state of WWE in 2002, Tough Enough II finale, Riki Choshu's departure from NJPW, Dave reviews several new wrestling books, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Summary of the FOOTBALL LEAKS (biggest leak in sports history)

Hi guys, I just read all the Football Leaks articles on Spiegel so far and made a bit of a summary, since I am sure most of you don't want to read everything (the summary is still long, but way shorter than the articles, believe me).
So for who is not informed, German newspaper and investigators Spiegel, together with lots of other newspapers did investigate and research the (second part of the) documents they received from Football Leaks, a portuguese hackergroup. This is 3,4TB of data which means about 70 million documents. They published the first articles, but there are many more to come in the next few weeks. More coming also on the topics doping, betting fraud and racism.

Man City:
In 2013 former French President Nicolas Sarkozy tried to raise money with the help of ManCity president Khaldoon Al Mubarak. A year later when ManCity was investigated by UEFA for FFP violation, Al Mubarak asked Sarkozy for help, who spoke with FIFA president Infantino. In the last 7 years Abu Dhabi has injected €2.7 billion into ManCity. In 2016 Infantino chose to directly negotiate an agreement with ManCity, and therefore bypassing the investigating chamber of UEFA. Between 2009 and 2011 ManCity has made a loss of €451M. ManCity threatened to take legal action against UEFA, if they would make them pay a penalty. 2014 the president of the investigating company of the UEFA recommended to exclude ManCity from the Championsleague. Infantino intervened and negotiated with City manager (and ex Barça VP) Ferran Soriano. Infantino actually told Soriano that he should make a proposal for the fine they would have to pay, so that it looks like FFP is still intact. In the end they settled on a $60m fine, which then Al Mubarak refused to pay. Infantino intervened again to make the fine drop to 20m, which UEFA investigating chamber initially refused to agree to. PSG was angry that ManCity's fine would be lowered, so the UEFA president promised PSG that their fine would also go down to 20m, while lying to Abu Dhabi that PSG's fine would be much higher than theirs. Since that agreement ManCity have spent €700m on new players. ManCity Secretary General Simon Cliff wrote after the death of one of the investigation chamber members in an email "one has fallen, there are six left."
EDIT (05.11.18): Additional Info
The year FFP was introduced, ManCity spent 9.9M pounds too much, apparently because of the termination of Mancini's contract. The only solution according to an Email where Chief Financial Officer Jorge Chumillas wrote "an additional amount of Abu Dhabi sponsorship revenues, that covers this gap". CEO Ferran Soriano suggested having sponsors pay the amounts they have to pay for the victory of the FA cup, even though ManCity had not won the FA cup. Ten days later many different apparently according to City "fully independent" sponsorship deals were adjusted, Etihad paying 1.5M more, Aabar 0.5M more, and the tourism authority 5.5M more than the deals they negotiated at the begin of the season. When Chumillas asked Simon Pearce if the dates of the sponsorship deals could be modified the answer was "of course, we can do what we want". Already in 2010 ManCity made a 15M deal with Aabar, who according to an email from Simon Pearce would only pay 3M, the rest comes from quote "his highness" (the sheikh). In December 2013 Pearce wrote that Etihad's (mainsponsor) contribution is 8M. According to the contract it should have been 35M. In 2015 Etihad officially had to pay 67.5M pounds per year, but inoficially they were still paying just 8M, the rest coming from the Abu Dhabi United Group, who give companies like Etihad the money to then give it to ManCity, so that everything appears in order.
Edit (06.11.18): Additional info from a new article
Another plan get Abu Dhabi money to the club was called "Project Longbow" (because the English used longbows to beat the French [in this context UEFA president Platini] at Crecy and Agincourt). This meant using parallel companies like Fordham to outsource the cost of image rights. 2013 ManCity sold the image rights of the players to the company that would later be called Fordham Sports Image Rights, which is attached to a company in the British Virgin Islands. This way money from Abu Dhabi could be injected. Officially Fordham paid players, without receiving anything themselves which UEFA investigators found suspicious, ManCity claimed that Fordham is an independent company and they don't know their business plan but agreed to the deal because it came at a good price. ManCity have recently stopped selling the image rights of their players, but Fordham still exists and has made in 2017 total losses 75M pounds.
Edit (07.11.18): Additional info
Pep Guardiola signed the contract with ManCity already in October 2015, 2 months after his last season with Bayern started. His salary in his first season with ManCity was 13.5M pounds, in his second it is 16.75M. Several weeks later a journalist from Sunday Mirror wrote that Guardiola has met with ManCity director of football Txiki Begiristain in Barcelona to discuss a possible deal. At this moment the deal was already long signed. ManCity then said this is wrong information and told the newspaper to remove the article. ManCity also compiled a riskreport on a potential sponsor called Arabtec, who have a terrible human rights record in UAE. Their marketing team advised them to not accept the deal, because it would let City appear in a bad light, but they went through with the deal anyways, but made it only a regional deal, in those countries were democratic values and human rights are not always a priority.
Edit (10.11.18): Another part
Since 2010 Manchester City has invested over a million euros a year in the so called "Right to Dream Academy" which has it's locations in African countries like Ghana. These children get a good education, but have also to work and travel a lot, and some around the age of 10 for example said that they have only time to call their parents on weekends, because their training schedule is so packed. Manchester City documents are referring to that invested money as "venture capital". The main point is not to have them at some point play for Manchester City's first team, but to loan and sell them, to make profit. After FIFA implemented new years in the last years, ManCity had to make changes at that academy, for example the Academy leader has taken control over a Danish team called FC Nordsjaelland, so that the academy players from Ghana can come to Europe through that club. There is an agreement that the Danish club can't sell Right to Dream Academy players without ManCity's permission. For being the third party club in that affair, they get 25% of the transferfee.
Edit (10.11.18): Now this should be the last part about ManCity
In 2015 City tried to get De Bruyne for 50M, but VW Wolfsburg didn't want to sell, because Volkswagen doesn't need the money. ManCity were pressuring them and ultimately they sold him for 75M. A year later they both Bayern and ManCity tried to get Sané, but ManCity offered to 20 year old a salary of 24.5M pounds over 3 years. Spending money like that was possible because they were able to increase and back-date sponsoring contracts with companies from Abu Dhabi at will. Also the TV money helps, last year they received €170M from the league, which is for example 75% higher than what FC Bayern gets. This helps making it possible paying salaries like €11M/year for Gündogan or >18M for Aguero.
Already in 2009 they were studying how to make the most profit and came to the conclusion that it's not enough to own just one club, but instead create a global network of subsidiaries which makes it easier to bring in profits. Back then Roberto Mancini signed 2 contracts on the same day: as coach for ManCity and as "adviser" to the Al Jazira Sports and Cultural Club in the Arabian Gulf League, both clubs owned by Sheikh Mansour. ManCity paid him a salary of 1.45M pounds, but the Abu Dhabi club paid him an even higher salary extra of 1.75M per year.
To create such a network, they not only own Manchester City, New York City and Melbourne City but have also stakes in league teams in Uruguay, Spain and Japan. Also they have cooperation agreements with clubs in Scandinavia and with an African Youth academy. Uruguay because there are many quality footballers & the local teams have limited budgets, also they didn't need to pay any taxes on the profits from player transfers. The investment in Girona is so that ManCity's academy players can develop and play in competetive men's football.
In 2008 City was bought for 100M pounds, in 2015 a Chinese media company bought 13% of the stakes of the City Football Group for 265M pounds, which shows that the value of ManCity has increased by a factor of atleast 10 in the last 7 years and Sheikh Mansour believes that there can be created a way higher value from football than what has been established until now.

PSG received in total €1.8 billion from Qatar. They were also close to being excluded from UCL, but Platini and Infantino covered it up. Nicolas Sarkozy told Emir of Qatar Tamim Al-Thani in a meeting in 2010 that if he bought PSG & launched a sports channel in France (BeIN Sports), that he would instruct Michel Platini to award Qatar the 2022 World Cup.
Edit (07.11.18): Mbappé's transfer to PSG
Contract details about Mbappé at PSG are revealed. In the summer 2017 he nearly signed for Real Madrid, who offered €180M. His father was worried about the competition he would have at Madrid with forwards such as Ronaldo, Benzema, Bale. At the beginning of August he then told Monaco he would sign for PSG, who also agreed to pay 180M. The contract demands were 5M upfront and a salary of a total of 50M net over 5 years. Also he would receive an extra 30k/month to pay for his personal staff. He also demanded that in case he would win the Balon d'Or, his salary would rise so far, that he is the highest paid PSG player (more than Neymar). PSG refused. In case PSG would be excluded from UCL because of FFP, Mbappé's family wanted a monetary compensation. Monaco's owner received €124M out of the deal. The strange thing is that portoguese superagent Jorge Mendes (who is not Mbappé's agent) also received atleast 7.25M out of the deal. Spiegel are not exactly sure, but they say documents hint, that it might be for playing up the speculation that he would sign for Real Madrid, to increase his price.
Edit (10.11.18): Racism at PSG's scouting department
PSG had a recruitment policy which lasted from 2013 until Spring of this year, which discriminated against ethnic minorities at youth academy level. An example is when a talent called Yann Gboho was 13, PSG did not make an offer, only because he is black. The scout rated him highly, but he wasn't signed by the club after a meeting between people working at PSG's academy, because of his skin color. Until Spring 2018 the scouts had in their scouting documents to note the "origin" of players between the 4 categories: French, Maghrebi, West Indian and Black African. A PSG scout agreed to Mediapart that it should say white rather than French, because all the players they scout are French. PSG doesn't want them to sign players born in Africa, because you can't be sure of their date of birth, he said.
Note: After this was leak was published PSG made a comunicado, confirming the use of these scouting forms with illegal contents which were instituted on the personal initiative of the head of this department. They condemn all forms of discrimination and racism and already made an internal investigation at the beginning of last october to understand how such practices could exist and to decide on the necessary measures to take.
In the coming weeks they will reveal the positive doping tests (note: plural) of a worldclass player who won the Championsleague multiple times. (Note: not many fit that criteria except Real Madrid players and some Barça players). Also the tax avoidance models of some EPL titans.

European SuperLeague:
The developments of a possible European Super League are more advanced than we thought. There is a binding term sheet thought to be signed this month. Started was this project by Bayern president Rumenigge. This would include 16 clubs. Bayern did already make research if the law made it possible to leave Bundesliga to join a Super League and also if they could forbid their players to play for the nationalteam. This would mean that these clubs wouldn't be part of Championsleague or National Leagues like La Liga anymore, and have every week a game against another European giant. This would totally mess up the balance between big and small teams in Football, and would overall be a disaster for Football. UEFA obviously trying to avoid this is heavily pressured and even blackmailed by ECA and the top clubs, which did lead to a reform, which allots greater revenues to those clubs that have found success in the last 10 years in the Champions League and Europa League. This means that there is less money for Europaleague and therefore smaller clubs .The reform also gave the ECA 4 director slots in a company joined with UEFA (one of which ex Barça board member Raul Sanllehi will fill), which will oversee all deals the UEFA makes. Bayern director Gerlinger who was the most essential person in all of this says the Super League was a possibility but is "as far away as ever". Meanwhile Real Madrid received on Octover 22 an email titled "Draft of an Agreement of the 16", which included the binding term sheet to create the Super League, which would be a breakaway from UEFA and the national leagues. This draft includes 11 founders (Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Juventus Turin, FC Chelsea, FC Arsenal, Paris Saint-Germain, Manchester City, FC Liverpool, AC Milan and Bayern Munich) who have secured membership for 20 years, and 5 guests (which would initially be Atlético Madrid, Borussia Dortmund, Olympique Marseille, Inter Milan and AS Roma). The competition would have two phases: a group round and a knockout round. A company in Spain would be registered to make this possible. Shares of this company would be distributed: Real Madrid holding 18.77 percent, Barcelona 17.61 percent and Manchester United 12.58 percent. Bayern Munich would be the fourth largest shareholder at 8.29 percent.

More about Infantino:
Infantino also was vital that half of the money FIFA made would be distributed to the Associations in advance, without any control about what they would do with it (so that he would get reelected). In 2017 the investigators investigating Infantino were replaced by María Claudia Rojas, who has no experience in investigating, and is a good friend to the notoriously corrupt president of the columbian federation. She immediately cleared Infantino and did say that there are no investigations against him. After that also the FIFA code of ethics was changed (for example the word corruption disappearing). Rinaldo Arnold, a Swiss public prosecutor, is also a good friend with Infantino, who called him capo ("boss") in an email and who assured Infantino that the investigations wouldn't be against him and even offered to have the attorney general to publicly state that.

Edit: Added information from a new Article on 05.11.18
International Champions Cup (ICC):
A confidential document between Relevent Sports (note: the company organizing ICC and also want to have the Barça Girona game in the US) and FC Barcelona reveals how much money teams to play these friendlies: $3.25M per game. For the game against ManU there was a bonus of 750k, and for the Clásico in the USA a bonus of $6.5M. That's nearly $14M net for a week playing in the US with 3 games. In that contract were clauses: "if Messi didn't play for atleast 45min, Barça would receive 750k less, if Neymar didn't play 600k less, for Suárez 450k less".
According to Spiegel the chairman of Relevent Sports, Stillitano, has been trying for years to convince the biggest European clubs to play in a league, in which the best play against eachother. His goal is also to create a Superleague and lure them by showing them how big and plentiful the global revenues are.

Edit: Added information from a new article on 05.11.18 (info by Mediapart via @GFFN)
AS Monaco:
Apparently the AS Monaco owner and Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev attempted to hide a massive, illegal amount of funding into the team with a fictitious marketing contract and through the involvement of a series of offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands and Hong Kong. Over the time of 2 years he invested a total of €326M, which does violate the FFP. In 2014 a marketing deal was agreed to, that was in reality a yearly sum of €140M by Rybovlev. This deal did then later fell through, because the Dutch head of Swiss-based sports marketing agency had a disagreement with him and threatened to reveal the scam to UEFA. The Investigatory Chamber of UEFA did find some disturbing things, when going through Monacos finances, but the head of UEFA's FFP program Andrea Traverso did agree to help prepare the club for their Investigatory Chamber hearing.
By 2014 Monaco had made losses of €170M over 3 years. Because of their tiny city, they did not receive much money from ticket sales and sponsorship deals. Monaco's marketing director suggested to the president to build a close relationship with Platini, without "giving the slightest indication" that Monaco is violating FFP. Monaco made a marketing deal with AIM, which gave the agency the right to manage sponsorship and marketing for the club, but if Monaco did not make €140M per year revenue, AIM would have to pay the difference. The year before this deal Monaco had a total income (without TV money) of €14.4M, which would mean AIM has to pay €126M, which obviously is an absurd deal to make for AIM. This made Monaco have an income of 11m instead of losses of 116m like the year before. A company registered in the British Virgin Islands called City Concept Ventures "surprisingly" agreed to invest in AIM €140m for 10 years, exactly what they would have to pay to Monaco. The agency of AIM founder de Roos did receive €2.2M for participating in the scheme. This way the Monaco owner was able to put money into the club, through sponsorship contracts. This deal then later fell through, because Rybolovlev had fallen out with Prince Albert of Monaco and decided to stop investing into the club and therefore selling their players. UEFA never discovered this attempted scam.

Edit (06.11.18): Added information
Russian Clubs
Zenit St Petersburg, Dynamo Moscow & Lokomotiv Moscow all artificially inflated sponsorship contracts in order to avoid FFP sanctions & UEFA were complicit in this practice.
Edit (07.11.18): Added from a article
Zenit is owned by Gazprom, who pumped €113M into the club in 2012. UEFA was investigating in this. Zenit told them, that Russia's league has not the ability to generate revenues like European leagues and if they would have to comply with FFP, they would need to sell their best players. This would be very bad for Russia ahead of the world cup in 2018. UEFA seemed to accept that argument, because 6 months later they closed the case without excluding Zenit from the UCL. Similar things happened to Rubin Kazan, FC Lokomotiv Moscow and FC Dynamo Moscow. In the past 5 years the state Russia has injected over €1.65 billion into these clubs.

Edit (10.11.18): New article
"Superagent" Pinhas Zahavi and his involvement in deals like Neymar to PSG
Let's start this with a quote by him to the investigative journalist meeting him: "So, listen: I did the biggest transfers in the history of world football. There isn't a big deal in the world where I'm not involved," the agent said. "There's no place in international football where I don't have influence and power."
The Israeli playeragent Pinhas Zahavi is one of the most powerful agents in world football, who is already way longer involved in football transfers than agents such as Mendes or Raiola, he already was part of transfers in the 1970s. He is known to position footballers against their colleagues, coaches and club bosses, and trying to forcefully push for a move to a new club. As an agent he is nearly invisible. He normally doesn't speak to press and does only "appear in the shadows". No one knows how much money he has floating around or which channels it is floating through. Many of the companies he owns or works for are located in tax heavens such as Gibraltar, Cyprus, Malta, British Virgin Islands. He engages law firms in Brazil and Israel to provide him legal support. He often joins forces with other superagents such as Mendes, or Ramadani. There were investigations against him, but never was anything illegal proven. Officially he is paying his taxes in Israel. Many of his companies have their business accounts at banks in Switzerland.
Last summer Lewandowski asked him for help, so that he could leave Bayern. Zahavi spoke with Lewandowski's agent Barthels, who told him that Bayern wouldn't agree to let him leave. He then went to the German newspaper Bild and openly told them that Lewandowski wants to leave and Bayern are aware of it, which made it on the frontpage. However he did not succeed with his plan to have Lewandowski leave Bayern.
However he was a vital part of the Neymar to PSG deal. He was noted as second agent, apart from Neymar Sr. and was due to receive €10.7+2M from that deal. Zahavi wanted that this would be paid to one of his companies in either Switzerland or Cyprus, but PSG didn't agree to it and after some angry emails he accepted that the money would be paid to his accounts in Israel.
His commissions are negotiated on a deal-by-deal basis and always by mobile phone, so there are often no concrete documents, which makes it harder to track it. Also his companies in tax paradises are often buying the transferrights of young (often underage) talents, for example Markovic to Liverpool of which Zahavi's company had half the transferrights.

Edit (10.11.18): Article was behind a paywall on Mediapart, so I used the summary of someone of soccer, hope everything is correct
More about Neymar's move to PSG and also the "loyalty-bonus"
PSG had to pay each of his agents – his father Neymar Senior and Israeli agent Pini Zahavi – a commission sum of 10.7M + 8.7M for Santos. Total price of his transfer: €252M. Zahavi received a 1.5M payement the first year + 2M/year the next 4 years conditional on Neymar remaining with the club. His father received 6M the first year + 3M the following year. The operation to bring Neymar to Paris was codenamed “Gold”. Over a period of five years, the 25-year-old will cost PSG a total of 528 million euros. PSG first proposed a salary of 25M per year, but Neymar would succeed in obtaining 30M/year, free, for him, of social charges and tax. Means 54.7M/year for PSG. PSG were unable to reach an agreement that Neymar would not enter into deals with sponsors who were rivals of the club’s sponsors. PSG lacked the funds to meet the huge cost of the transfer. Information gained by the EIC suggests it was Qatar Sport Investment (QSI), owner of the club, which paid the entire amount.
Neymar wanted to make sure he was paid a bonus payment promised by Barça. This was a bonus sum of 64M agreed when he prolonged his contract exactly one year earlier. He had been paid 21M, but their remained a further 43 million euros that FC Barcelona was committed to pay him by midnight on July 30th 2017 at the latest. On the morning of July 31st, the money transfer had still not been made. FC Barcelona informed Neymar that the 43 million euros had been deposited with a solicitor and will be released to him only if the player certifies that he will remain with the club. Since then, a legal battle continues. The player is still demanding payment of the 43M, FC Barcelona are demanding that the player pays the club 73M representing a total refund of the bonuses that were offered to him for prolonging his contract. On August 22nd 2017, Tebas lodged his complaint against PSG with UEFA, accusing the French club of violation of the European football associations’ ruling body’s financial fair play rules, and ten days later UEFA opened its investigation into the matter. The probe was opened against a backdrop of not only the pressure of La Liga, but also the anger against PSG of other enemies, including German club Bayern Munich.
According to documents obtained from Football Leaks, paying off of the cost of Neymar’s transfer plus the player’s salary would amount to a total of 528 million euros up until 2022, equivalent to 105 million euros per year. That meant that PSG would have to attract more than 100 million euros in extra revenue each year, or sell players to compensate for the difference. Including Mbappe the number rises to 166M. PSG asked Nike for a sponsorship deal worth 100 million euros per year. Nike declined because the contract with PSG, which they paid just more than 20 million euros per year, was not due to expire until 2022.
submitted by TheLadderGuy to Barca [link] [comments]

Times of London: Chris Gayle 'You don't know me'

Below is the full version of The Times Magazine's Charlotte Edwardes' interview with Chris Gayle ahead of his book release
He’s one of the best batsman ever, smashing world records for more than 15 years. To non-sports fans, however, he’s famous as that cricketer who propositioned a female reporter on live TV this year. But the West Indies star is unrepentant. He’s not sexist; the criticism is “racist”, he tells Charlotte Edwardes
I’m having a drink with Chris Gayle. Yup, I’m doing what Mel McLaughlin, the Australian sports broadcaster, declined to do when the cricketing superstar and former West Indies captain propositioned her during a live interview in January, and sitting in a spangly bar with the self-styled Six Machine and a mojito. We’re in Bangalore, where Gayle, 36, plays for the Royal Challengers in the Indian Premier League, and we’re talking about sexism and, “What’s that t’ing – womanism?” Is he joking?
Gayle responded to McLaughlin’s question about his cricketing form – he’d been playing for the Melbourne Renegades in a Big Bash contest with the Adelaide Strikers – by purring, “I’m here just to see your eyes for the first time … Hopefully we can win this game and we can have a drink afterwards. Don’t blush, baby.” Off camera, his team-mates can be heard wheezing with laughter. McLaughlin, it’s fair to say, seems nonplussed.
The controversy wrapped itself around him like a stripper around a pole. Female journalists called him an “idiot” and a “d***head”. Fellow cricketers accused him of “setting a bad example to younger players” and the remark earned him a £4,800 fine from his club (although given his £5.3 million pay packet last year, it was a pretty limp slap on the wrist).
But Gayle is his own worst enemy if this evening’s interview is anything to go by. Before two hours are up, he’s boasting about having “a very, very big bat, the biggest in the wooooorld”, adding, “You think you could lift it? You’d need two hands.” He asks how many black men I’ve “had”, goading me when I deflect the question, and whether I’ve ever had a “t’eesome” – “I bet you have. Tell me.”
“Do you dye your hair?” he asks at one point. It’s highlighted, I reply. “But do you dye your hair?” His eyes flick down.
When I rebuke him, he squawks, lifting his shoulders in ham offence: “But it’s only fair! Why do you get to ask all the questions?”
Am I letting down the sisterhood by engaging with Gayle, a man who installed a strip club in the basement of his house in Jamaica without telling his girlfriend? A man who, after listening to John Barclay, old Etonian batsman, ex-England manager and former MCC president, hold forth on his sporting record over lunch, was said to have asked, “So, do you get much pussy?”
As it turns out, his pantomime bad boy is a bit of a buffer. Later, Gayle will lean forward, his voice changing from laid-back singsong into a deep, rapid-fire rat-a-tat, to tell me that I just don’t get it. “If that had been a white footballer saying that,” he says of his comments to McLaughlin, “nothing would’ve happened. Rugby player, nothing would’ve happened. Hollywood actor? Tsk.”
What does he mean? “Successful black men are struggling because people do things to put them down,” he says. “They would cover for other people, but not for a black man.”
Is that true? Would David Beckham have been so roundly criticised? Or Leonardo DiCaprio? Is this an issue as much about racism as sexism?
Here in India, where cricket “is a religion”, focus is firmly on his on-field reputation.
And that reputation is of a god. With his ginormous bat (“My piece of wood”), he’s heroically smashed multiple records and is one of the best – and certainly the most flamboyant – batsmen in the world.
While the fortunes of the West Indies team outside of T20 (20-over) contests have ebbed in the past 15 years, he’s one of only four players to have scored two triple centuries in Test matches. In 2012 he became the first (and so far only) batsman to score a six from the first ball of a Test match – a move of characteristic chutzpah: conventional wisdom has it that in a five-day contest, a batsman has the time to adjust to the conditions before taking any big shots.
Last year in Australia, he became the first cricketer in World Cup history to score a double century (against Zimbabwe). And for the Bangalore Challengers he scored a 30-ball century as part of the highest individual score – 175 – in a T20 match.
In June he’ll play for Somerset in the NatWest T20 Blast. Last year the series was a sellout, largely because of his signing. The county’s director of cricket, Matt Maynard, described him as “box office”.
“I am an entertainer,” he says, when I ask about dance moves that accompany his big hits. “I like to entertain.”
When I first catch sight of Gayle in person, it’s at an evening match in the M Chinnaswamy Stadium. The air is charged with the breathless anticipation of 40,000 spectators. He walks onto the field with his slow, hip-rolling stroll, a cross between a shire horse and a panther. (This is something he inherited from his dad: “Always take your own time, in your own world. Easy-going and nice.”)
For the uninitiated, Indian T20 is a long way from the sedate leather on willow and pattering applause of the old-school English game. It’s commercial cricket: fast, flash, loud and brash. Sixes and fours spin out of screens like stings from an ITV game show. Scores are accompanied by catchy jingles. Cheerleaders scissor and wind, drums beat dementedly.
Most importantly, this is where talented superstars from all over the world earn millions. And Gayle loves it, visibly absorbing the adoration of the crowd. When he hits, screens flash: “INTER-GAYLECTIC”.
And the cash flows not just from the steaming crowds of spectators but from big-money endorsements. From advertising hoardings along the exhaust-polluted highways, Gayle’s image glowers, along with those of his team-mates (South Africa Test captain AB de Villiers, Indian Test captain Virat Kohli), selling everything from sports gear, bikes, casual slacks and – puzzlingly – pimple cream.
But even without this notoriety, Gayle is not exactly inconspicuous: a swaggering 6ft 2in black man, broad as the Blue Mountains, is hard to miss in this distinctly Asian city.
So his hotel, for all its ritzy glitz, is like “a prison,” he jokes, when we meet in the air-conditioned bar. If there is a place in the world where he would not be recognised, “I haven’t found it yet.”
I’m here because Gayle has written a memoir called – inevitably – Six Machine(the man cannot resist a double entendre). In addition to detailing his extraordinary career, he narrates the story of a life “coming up” in cramped poverty amid gang violence in Kingston, Jamaica.
His Twitter profile picture has him chilling in full gold and green Jamaican rig against a hazy backdrop of Kingston town. Away from the crease he favours rapper clobber, cigars, fast cars in primary colours, girls twerking in bikinis and diamond studs. He owns a bar in Kingston – the Triple Century – where he drinks Hennessy and Appleton rum with Usain Bolt and Shaggy, and snaps himself for Instagram draped in gold swag.
A strong theme is that he is a man of many sides. “Complex,” is how he describes himself. The book opens thus: “You think you know me? You don’t know me. Yuh cyaan read me. Yuh cyaan study me. Doh’ even try study me. You think you know Chris Gayle. World Boss. The Six Machine. Destroyer of bowlers, demolisher of records, king of the party scene. You’re right. You also wrong. I am complicated. I am all you see and much more you don’t.”
At first sight you’d be forgiven for thinking Gayle has a colossal ego. As well as World Boss, he calls himself Universe Boss, even “da ba’ass of all ba’ass Universe Boss”. (British diffidence he admits to finding utterly baffling.)
His on-field persona is “this fierce batsman that no one wants to mess with”, he says. In the past he engaged in “sledging”, the act of intimidating rivals by whispering “a lotta nasty t’ings” in their ears – and “bumping”.
This is right but also wrong, he explains, because all cricketers “have that alter ego. They might be absolutely arrogant on the cricket field, and then off the field they are like a baby. They have two sides. One you bring out: the superhuman you bring out in the middle there; the other is the normal person.
“It’s natural to transform into someone else when you play a competitive game,” he says. “You’re not looking for friends. It’s a battle.”
What about his mantra that he hates running – “The World Boss don’t run.” Is that part of the showmanship?
“People think that [my] attitude towards the game stink. That’s how it come across: lazy. But to score a triple century, that’s not lazy. You cannot be lazy and do such things.”
I ask about his love of “parties with a capital P”. Is it true he’ll party till dawn and sleep all day (our interview is delayed for an hour and a half, and he finally emerges from his room at 3.30pm after a “lie-in”)? “I like to blow off some steam,” he says with a shrug. Initially he tells me he’ll take me out partying when he comes to London, but decides I’ll be rubbish when I stop at two drinks. “You need a baby-sitter!”
But I’m relieved to hear he’s human, too. “I will throw up sometimes,” he laughs. “I’m not Iron Man. If you’re going hard, you gotta suffer the consequence. If you lie down, the room spinning with you, for sure. Then the next day you say, ‘I’m not doing it again.’ You take a break, then you find yourself doing the same again. You live. That’s part of it.”
His diet is certainly novel for a world-class athlete: hot chocolate, piles of pancakes and burgers. Surely he can’t subsist on junk? “Why not?” he counters. “Usain [Bolt] won a gold medal on chicken nuggets.”
Later, I’m relieved to see him scarf through a steak and vegetables. He also has a splendidly ungangsterish cappuccino.
So, then, who is the “normal” Gayle, the Gayle we “don’t see”?
He flips through one of his pile of phones to show me photographs. There’s his girlfriend of ten years, Natasha Berridge, whom he met on the neighbouring Caribbean island of St Kitts. He’s known her since she was 19 and she’s “one of the very few who really knows me”. They’ve recently had a baby whom he cheekily told the world they had named Blush, although he tells me her name is Crisalina.
Berridge, he says, is “a strong character”. “Very strong. A lot of people put things in her face and say, ‘Chris is this, and Chris is doing that,’ all sorts of things. But she’s very strong.” He adds: “And she got the booty.”
He shows me a photo from the birth in a hospital in Miami (he wants his daughter to have a US passport). He’s wearing his trademark baseball cap with a 333 logo wedged over a do-rag and dip-dyed braids along with a surgical mask. There’s Crisalina, with a bow round her head like a gift. “His mother says she has my eyes,” he says, smiling broadly. He asks me if I have kids and – I think out of genuine interest – whether I had a caesarean or a vaginal birth.
“It’s a nice experience being a father,” he continues. “But I only had a short stint there. I’m looking forward to seeing her again.”
Many of his team-mates in India have partners, and I think he’s lonely. Last night, he watched English football until the small hours. “They all busy,” he says when I ask if they all go out together.
Will he get married? He says he’s contemplating it, and asks me what I think.
What if she says no? He looks horrified and amused at the same time. “I’ll have to accept it. No is no. I can’t do anything. I can’t force anything down anyone’s throat.”
But, he says, “I’ve accomplished everything else. If there’s one thing left to do, there’s that. But it’s not a big t’ing in Jamaica.” His parents aren’t married. “It’s a different culture.”
Gayle’s memoir tells of the cramped conditions of his childhood home in Rollington, a neighbourhood of Kingston, the permanent hunger, belt whippings from teachers (school rules included, “NO hair rollers. NO weapons”), as well as losing his virginity aged 16 to a stripper.
“Jamaica is a tough place, it’s no secret. You grew up tough. In my childhood days, t’ings were even more outrageous than now. T’ings a bit quiet now, but there are still bad areas, still violence, and we can’t hide away from that.”
Five children shared a bedroom with two beds: his sister in one, the four brothers taking it in turns on the other. “It was sometimes 40 degrees. No fan. No AC. No electricity when I was little so no TV, no not’ing.”
The sound of gunshots wasn’t uncommon, but his parents (his father was a policeman) shielded the boys from gang culture. “They always sceptical of the company you keep,” he says. “They don’t want you out late because you can get caught in some gang.” Cigarettes, or even marijuana, were never a temptation. “When you go around that’s a customary thing: Jamaican sitting on the corner having a smoke. Not only Rasta; general. But I never ever tried it. I swear on my life.”
And his parents’ vigilance – and eye-watering discipline: “Broomstick, mop stick, you misbehave, you getting it” – meant hot afternoons after school were spent at Lucas Cricket Club, the local ground.
Back then he was skinny – “The muscles won’t come till later” – and not particularly tough in the wider landscape. Yet he was obsessive: “Batting, batting, batting. I bat long periods as a kid. Bat for days. I’m not like the live-wire person, but I put in the hours.” His brothers were naturally gifted at cricket, but he was the one who stuck at it.
What he wrestled with was a dark and persistent fear of dying. “As a kid, I don’t know why, but I would lie down and think about death. ‘Damn, your eyes will close and you’re not going to see any more. You’re not going to see Mumma or Dada.’ And I thought, ‘I don’t want to die.’ And tears would come to my eye.”
Since then, and through his life, he has tried to develop ways of dealing with it, mantras such as, “Breathe, let in the light.” Yoga, too.
Therapy? “I’m not that crazy,” he shrieks. “They crazier than us. Therapists need therapy.”
He said that he overcame his fear “a bit”, but when he underwent heart surgery for a congenital heart defect causing cardiac dysrhythmia, he says, “That’s when I started to take life not too seriously, tried not to be too tense. I thought, ‘I’m only playing cricket. I’m not spending any time really and truly doing things.’ So as soon as I get a break, I do those things.”
When he retires he wants to be “busy with the family and catching up with life”. Will that be soon? After all, the average age for a player to retire is around 38 years, and, at the time of writing, he has scored just 19 runs in 5 matches in the IPL (he missed four games to be at the birth). Virat Kohli dropped him completely from a recent match, prompting one Indian newspaper to ask, “Is this the beginning of the end for Gayle?” He bats the question for six. “It’s not over yet. Not for a while.”
About many things, Gayle is open-minded. He wouldn’t beat his kids like his parents beat him, for example, but “counsel” them instead. About homophobia – a deep-seated problem in the Jamaica of old – he is thoughtful. “The culture I grew up in, gays were negative,” he says. Partly because of his exposure to the rest of the world through cricket, he realised, “People can do whatever they want. You can’t tell someone how to live their life. It’s a free world.”
It’s odd, then, that he can sound so confused on the subject of women. “Women should have equality and they do have equality,” he argues. “They have more than equality. Women can do what they want. Jamaican women are very vocal. They will let you know what time is it, for sure.”
And yet he also believes this: “Women should please their man.”
In what way? “When he comes home, food is on the table. Serious. You ask your husband what he likes and then you make it.”
What if she’s been up all night with a newborn? “No, that OK. Then she doesn’t have to. We can stop and buy a meal.”
What if she’s working? “Then they share. First person home, cooks.”
Would he cook? “No.” Clean? “That is not going to happen.” He would change a nappy. “I’ve changed many of my nieces and nephews. I have no problem with that.”
He says one huge cultural difference that we totally misunderstand in England (and Australia) is that Jamaicans “are more relaxed about sex. We’re not so hung up about it. This is what people like doing. It’s no big deal.”
Right. Does that mean that he’s faithful? “I haven’t had a shag since I been here,” he says, not quite answering the question. “Sometimes I get into trouble because I give a woman a compliment. Natasha will say, ‘You see? You and your big mouth.’ But most of the time I just love joking around, and she knows that.”
And then later he boasts, “Ten t’ousand women will throw themselves at me. The fact is that I am damn good-looking.”
But does he throw himself at women?
He sighs a big tired sigh. “Your questions, you suck me dry.”
After a couple of drinks Gayle returns to the subject of McLaughlin repeatedly, like a tongue probing a sore tooth. He’s not upset about it “any more”, he insists. “It was a joke. She knew that. That’s who I am, the joker.”
His hand trembles slightly when he reaches for his drink. “If she didn’t like it she could say, ‘Chris, I didn’t appreciate that.’ Simple as that.”
After the braggadocio (his bar has a cocktail called Don’t Blush Baby), the boasting, the bawdy questions (“Dye it blue!”), Gayle does tell me what he really thinks. That the underlying issue is one of racism more than sexism.
“As a genuine statement, and I would say this anywhere in the world, in any sporting arena, right now in 2016: racism is still the case for a black man. Trust me.
“They just want to get a little sniff of the dirt. They find out some s*** and they want to sink you. It’s reality. You have to deal with that as a successful black man – especially if you had a poor man’s lifestyle, coming from nothing to something.
“Usain Bolt has the same,” he says. He tells me a story: a female reporter (he thinks English) flew to Jamaica to write an article on Bolt. “She was trying to get close to him by being friendly with a local reporter. She didn’t want anything but dirt. You see? Reporters come just to dig things up on a successful black man. The Jamaican reporter was like, ‘I’m not a part of that. I want no part of that.’
“She just wanted negative stuff. Negative. I say this because I want to open people’s eyes. If they want to use me as a scapegoat, fine. But who’s coming after [me], they will learn.”
He says Australia is more explicitly racist “off the field than on”. Following the “don’t blush” incident, a number of female reporters said they’d experienced similar “creepy” behaviour from him. One said, “He’s a big guy. It makes you feel intimidated.”
Gayle believes this was a form of dog-whistle racism. “And another of the presenters who said she wasn’t happy with it, later she was interviewing a man and sitting in his lap. And she’s married. She was flirting. They were playing Let’s Get It On. She didn’t get any trouble. Double standards, that’s what it is.”
Six Machine: I Don’t Like Cricket … I Love It, by Chris Gayle, is published by Penguin Books on June 2
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Daily Transfer News Thread - 07/23/2018

Auto-Refreshing Transfer News Thread from Sky Sports
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Thanks for joining us on another busy day on the transfer blog. With Richarlison passing a medical at Everton earlier this evening, it could be another frantic one tomorrow!
See you bright and early from 7am.


Bournemouth have agreed a £10.7m fee with Leganes for left-back Diego Rico, subject to a medical and personal terms being agreed.
The player is due in the UK for a medical within the next 24 hours, and is expected to sign a four-year deal.
Borussia Dortmund made a late bid to sign the player, offering better financial terms, but his preference was to come to the Premier League.


Barcelona defender Douglas is on his way out on loan again, this time to Turkish side Sivasspor, having spent the last two seasons away from the Nou Camp.


Marcus Rojo may be sold by Manchester United to free up cash to spend on Harry Maguire, according to The Mirror.
With the Leicester City defender carrying a reported £65m price-tag, the newspaper suggests Jose Mourinho will need to raise funds before he can splash out on the England centre-back.


With Burnley sniffing around West Brom pair Jay Rodriguez and Craig Dawson, the former an ex-player of their own, the Baggies are demanding £40m for the two players combined, Sky sources understand.
The Clarets made a renewed offer in the region of £15m for striker Rodriguez last week but it was not deemed acceptable by West Brom, who want at least £20m for each player.


Everton are just dotting the Is and crossing the Ts on Richarlison's deal from Watford, after passing a medical in Liverpool earlier today.
The 21-year-old will become the Toffees' first signing of the transfer window, with the deal due to be announced tomorrow morning.




Here's the latest on the noise being made in the world of transfers tonight, thanks to our friends at Football Whispers...


Huddersfield Town defender Tareiq Holmes-Dennis has joined Bristol Rovers for an undisclosed fee.
The 22-year-old has previously spent time on loan in League 1 with Oldham and more recently Portsmouth last season, but made only one appearances for the latter.


Steve Bruce will meet Aston Villa’s new owners on Wednesday, hoping to be given the chance to return the club to the Premier League.
Sky Sports News understands the 57-year old will meet the club’s majority shareholders, Nassef Sawiris and Wes Edens, where he’ll learn if he has a future at Villa Park.
Bruce has acknowledged the club’s new owners may wish to appoint their own manager, amid speculation that Thierry Henry could be set to replace him. However, Bruce says initial conversations have given him reasons for optimism.


Stoke goalkeeper Jack Butland is among Chelsea’s list of potential new goalkeepers should Thibaut Coutois leave the club this summer, according to Sky sources.
The England keeper, who played backup to Jordan Pickford at the World Cup, is believed to be available at the right price this summer – but Stoke believe he is worth the same money that Pickford joined Everton for: around £30million.
Leicester, whose own No.1 Kasper Schmeichel is understood to be another Chelsea target, are also thought to be keen on Butland along with Crystal Palace, but Butland is keen to join a top-six Premier League club.
The 25-year-old is currently on holiday following the World Cup and is due back at the end of the week. As things stand, Butland will begin pre-season training with the Potters next Monday.


Bournemouth are deadlocked in negotiations with Levante over midfielder Jefferson Lerma.
The two sides played each other in a friendly last Friday, where talks are understood to have continued between the clubs.
Lerma signed a new contract with Levante in May with a release clause of £53.5million - but Sky sources understand they may well accept around half of that fee. Bournemouth value him at closer to £18million.


Sky Sports News understands Chelsea have rejected Barcelona’s third bid, believed to be in excess of £55m, for Willian.
Willian has also drawn interest from Manchester United this summer.




Chancel Mbemba has completed a permanent move to FC Porto from Newcastle, ending a three-year spell at St James' Park.
The 23-year-old made a total of 59 appearances for the Magpies - and could face his old club when the two go head-to-head in a pre-season friendly on July 28.


Bordeaux winger Malcom has almost completed his move to Roma, with the Italian club looking to re-invest their warchest from the Alisson sale wisely and a deal now agreed between the two clubs.


David Luiz has been speaking to the press following Chelsea's win - and he's optimistic about the Blues keeping their best players this summer.


Maurizio Sarri conducted his first press conference in English after Chelsea's win over Perth Glory in Australia this afternoon, and was less than definitive over the future of three Blues players reported to be seeking a move away.
He said: "I like to talk to a person face to face. I do not like to talk to a person by telephone.
"I do not know, it depends on the club. It is clear that for me, it is a pleasure to have Courtois, to have Willian, to have Hazard.
"But it does not depend on me, so we have to wait, I am confident."


Stefano Sturaro's agent has been talking to the Italian press about the Juventus midfielder, with West Ham and Leicester reportedly keen on signing him.
Gazetta Dello Sport reports the 25-year-old midfielder is valued at around £17.9m, and that both English clubs have made 'big offers' for him.


Chelsea are reportedly readying a £45m bid for Daniele Rugani, according to Goal.
The Juventus defender has been a long-term target for the Blues and made a £36m offer for the centre-back earlier this month, but saw it knocked back by the Serie A champions.


Watford's Richarlison represents undoubted potential for Everton, but for a reported £50m, is he a risk worth taking?
Sky Sports assesses whether the Brazilian's inconsistency warrants the big price tag...
Read the feature HERE


Barcelona have put in an improved £64.2m bid for Willian but Manchester United have scuppered Chelsea’s hopes of replacing him with Anthony Martial, according to the London Evening Standard.
Chelsea are reportedly holding out for £70m for Willian having rejected £53m last week.
Martial, meanwhile, is not for sale, according to the report, but is also wanted by Tottenham and Bayern Munich.


Bristol City have completed the signing of Mo Eisa from Cheltenham.
The striker has agreed terms on a three-year deal at Ashton Gate, with the option of a further 12 months.


With Pep Guardiola admitting he is looking to help Joe Hart leave Manchester City, Sky Bet look at where he could end up...


Here are the latest transfer rumours from our friends at Football Whispers...


Besiktas goalkeeper Fabri is in the process of undergoing a medical at Motspur Park ahead of completing a switch to Fulham, Sky Sports News understands.
We reported last week that the Whites were close to agreeing a deal with the Turkish club - and we understand that was done over the weekend at close to £5m.
Fabri told reporters in Turkey over the weekend that he had already agreed personal terms with the west London club too.
He said: “As you know the Premier League is a major league and one I am interested in joining. Negotiations between the two clubs are ongoing but there is a verbal agreement with Fulham. I want to thank Besiktas for my time here.”


Thibaut Courtois' potential move to Real Madrid is being held up while Chelsea attempt to replace the goalkeeper, according to Marca.
The Premier League club are interested in bringing Petr Cech back to Stamford Bridge and are also considering a move for Leicester's Kasper Schmeichel.
The Golden Glove winner at this summer's World Cup is keen to return to Spain, where his children live, after a successful spell at Atletico Madrid prior to joining Chelsea.
With his contract expiring in a year, the Premier League club are prepared to sell him and avoid losing him on a free transfer. (Marca)


New signing Jorginho also makes his first Chelsea appearance...


Andriy Lunin is being presented as a Real Madrid player today.
The 19-year-old goalkeeper has joined from FC Zorya Luhansk on a six-year deal.


Right then, where are we at with all the big transfer stories?
Here's a round-up from the Transfer Centre on Sky Sports News, including updates on Richarlison, Moutinho, Pjanic and Ince...


Another youngster who looks set to leave West Ham is 19-year-old centre-back Reece Oxford.
SSN understands West Ham would be willing to let Oxford leave the London Stadium for offers around £10m.
The teenager made his debut for West Ham’s first team as a 16-year old under Slaven Bilic. Oxford spent last season on loan at Borussia Monchengladbach.


Barcelona are the latest club to ask about the availability of West Ham teenager Domingos Quina.
Scouts from Barcelona have been monitoring the 18-year-old, who scored a sensational goal for Portugal’s U19s against Italy last week in the UEFA European U19 Championships.
It’s understood Hoffenheim and Werder Bremen are keen to sign the midfielder, who is in the last year of his contract, with West Ham reportedly willing to sell for around set a £600,000.


Bas Dost has performed a U-turn and signed a new deal with Sporting Lisbon, just over a month after telling the club he was terminating his contract.
The Dutch striker was one of a number of Sporting players who told the Portuguese side they were cancelling their deals following a training ground assault by masked supporters.
"I'm very pleased about it and I just want to look forward now. I signed here two years ago and really like this club. It has been a difficult time but I still have the overwhelming feeling that I belong here.
"After the attack there were a lot of fans who supported me and for them I also want to stay."


Jorginho will make his Chelsea debut against Perth Glory in their pre-season friendly this afternoon.
12.30 kick-off, and you can follow it HERE


We take a look at the players and coaches Steven Gerrard has brought to Rangers from Liverpool...
Read the feature HERE


Bristol Rovers have agreed an undisclosed fee with an 'unnamed club' for the sale of striker Ellis Harrison.
Ellis will be given permission to discuss personal terms and will not travel with the squad to Holland for this week's training camp.


Gareth Bale's future at Real Madrid looks secure with the Wales attacker expected to be one of their key players next season, according to AS.
Bale raised doubts over his status at the club, after their Champions League final win over Liverpool, regarding his lack of regular football.
The departure of Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus has put the focus back on Bale and it seems likely he will remain with the European champions.


Watford's Richarlison represents undoubted potential for Everton, but for a reported £50m, is he a risk worth taking?
Sky Sports assesses whether the Brazilian's inconsistency warrants the big price tag...
Read the feature HERE


Watford striker Richarlison has arrived on Merseyside and started his medical ahead of his reported £50m move to Everton.


Chelsea remain interested in Juventus striker Gonzalo Higuain, according to Sky in Italy.
It is understood the Serie A champions are willing to listen to offers for Higuain following Cristiano Ronaldo's arrival.
The Argentina international played under newly-appointed Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri at Napoli.
However, Sky in Italy also report AC Milan have made contact about Higuain.


Wolves are close to signing Portugal international Joao Moutinho from Monaco.
The newly-promoted Premier League side have agreed a £5m fee for the 31-year-old, Sky Sports News understands.
Wolves are reportedly ready to offer the midfielder a two-year deal as they add to their squad ahead of their Premier League return next month.
Moutinho is expected to become Ruben Neves' midfield partner at Molineux in an impressive coup for the club.
Moutinho won Euro 2016 with Portugal and has 113 international caps – third only behind Cristiano Ronaldo (154) and Luis Figo (127). He started Portugal's opening two games of the World Cup this year.


Mateo Kovacic remains firm in his desire to leave Real Madrid, reports Marca.
Kovacic last month revealed his desire to change clubs this summer, citing a need for regular first-team football. The Croatia midfielder met new Real Madrid coach Julen Lopetegui on Friday and asked him to let him leave.
Lopetegui tried to persuade him to stay but Kovacic remains convinced that the best thing is for him to leave the Bernabeu this summer.
Liverpool, Manchester City, Bayern Munich, Juventus and Manchester United are among the interested clubs who have contacted him and offered him the possibility of greater first-team action.
The 24-year-old wants to begin pre-season at a new club after his summer holiday. Madrid are starting to feel that they will have to facilitate the Croatian’s departure and would seek a fee of at least €50m.


Watford striker Richarlison has arrived on Merseyside and started his medical ahead of his reported £50m move to Everton.
The striker is expected to join up with his former manager Marco Silva and become Everton’s first signing of the summer.


Liverpool officials will fly to Turkey to complete a move for Besiktas defender Domagoj Vida, according to reports.
Vida caught the eye at Russia 2018 where he guided Croatia to their very first World Cup final, before suffering defeat to France.
Turkish newspaper Milliyet claim Besiktas have rejected a £19.7m bid from West Ham and snubbed an approach from Everton which did not match their valuation.
Besiktas reportedly want £26.8m for Vida, and it is understood Liverpool will step up their pursuit of the 29-year-old.


Mark Hughes says Southampton will have to sell players before they consider adding anyone else to their squad this summer.
Speaking to the Southern Daily Echo, Hughes said: "We will probably have to sell or allow players to go out of the club if we're likely to bring anybody in now I would think.
"We've done OK. We have done early business which we are pleased about but you are always on the lookout.
"We've still got a couple of weeks before the start of the season and things present themselves as we know. We have to be ready if we are able to get in the right type of player who can help us."


Monaco and Wolves have agreed a fee for midfielder Joao Moutinho.
It’s understood the 31-year-old will sign a two-year contract, with a fee in the region of £5m


Arsenal are in advanced talks to sign Borussia Monchengladbach goalkeeper Yann Sommer, according to Marca.
Gunners boss Unai Emery has already made five signings this summer, including a move for goalkeeper Bernd Leno.
But with Petr Cech and David Ospina expected to leave the Emirates following Leno's arrival, Marca claim Arsenal may turn to Sommer to provide competition for the Germany international.


England and Leicester star Harry Maguire, Tottenham's Toby Alderweireld and AC Milan's Leonardo Bonucci have been earmarked as potential defensive targets by United, according to the Daily Mail.
Landing Maguire, 25, could cost United up to £65m and would likely see Mourinho have to sell one of his centre-backs.
United reportedly enquired about Alderweireld in May, while Bonucci is said to be on a watch list.


Who is the 16-year-old Rochdale midfielder closing in on a seven-figure move to Manchester United?
We profile the teenager...


Melbourne Victory coach Kevin Muscat has confirmed his club is interested in signing Japan international Keisuke Honda to a marquee deal in Australia's A-League.
The 32-year-old Honda retired from international football after the World Cup in Russia and has been in talks since with the Victory, who are A-League champions.
In a radio interview Monday, Muscat said he couldn't comment on any aspect of negotiations with Honda but added "you can read between the lines.
He says any decision on a marquee player would be football-based and not promotional but "when Honda's name was floated not only was I interested, I think everyone was interested because he's still got a lot of football (left) and he can add something in terms of football to our competition."


Here are the latest transfer rumours from our friends at Football Whispers...


Arsenal goalkeeper Petr Cech's vast experience will help him remain the club's first choice despite the arrival of Bernd Leno, says David Seaman.
Leno arrived from Bayer Leverkusen last week, where he made 230 appearances across seven Bundesliga seasons, and has been tipped for big things at the Emirates by his old team-mates.
However, former Arsenal goalkeeper Seaman believes Leno will face fierce competition from the 36-year-old Cech - who has also been linked with a move back to Chelsea - for the No 1 spot.
"He [Cech] has still got great qualities and it isn't like he has had a bad season or anything, he still produced," Seaman said. "Obviously he is getting older but your game adapts, that is what I found, you might not be as sharp as what you used to be but your experience gets you into the right positions."



With Pep Guardiola admitting he is looking to help Joe Hart leave Manchester City, Sky Bet look at where he could end up...


First up, all the latest transfer headlines from our early morning bulletin on Sky Sports News.




And welcome to Sky Sports' live coverage of the Transfer Centre, bringing you all of the latest news and rumours from the window.
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Daily Transfer News Thread - 08/08/2018

Auto-Refreshing Transfer News Thread from Sky Sports
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Hibernian have announced the signing of midfielder Emerson Hyndman on loan from Bournemouth until January.


Sky sources understand Rangers have rejected West Brom's £3m bid for James Tavernier and will not consider selling until their valuation of the full-back has been met.



Morecambe survived relegation to the National League by the skin of their teeth last season and have beefed up their forward line in a bid to avoid a repeat performance this season.


Manchester United legend Paul Scholes does not believe his former club have the quality to challenge Manchester City or Liverpool in the Premier League this season.
"When you look at Manchester City, possibly Liverpool, I don't think they [United] have the quality of those two teams at the minute. Liverpool have made some really good signings. United finished above them last season," said Scholes, speaking in Hong Kong.
"I just don't see United getting closer to City. City are a really good side, great manager, some great players, a way of playing that they all know about and Manchester United seem to be not too sure what's going on.
"You don't really know the team, you don't really know the players, you don't know how they're going to perform from one week to the next. So I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see them challenging for the league this year."


The Transfer Centre rounds up of all the latest summer transfer stories from Sky Sports News.


Hartlepool goalkeeper Ryan Catterick has joined Guisborough Town on a short-term loan deal.



New Southampton goalkeeper Angus Gunn says working with Pep Guardiola at Manchester City played a big part in his development.


Here’s the latest from Sky Sports News’ Richard Graves…
“It’s certainly never dull is it around Newcastle United, especially in the transfer window. You feel they are probably still in the market for another striker, despite bringing in Salomon Rondon on a season-long loan. They also need to strengthen in defence. Federico Fernandez, the Swansea City defender is certainly one name that has been linked with Newcastle. In terms of attacking options Liverpool striker Danny Ings is another name.”


Rangers boss Steven Gerrard entertained journalists in his news conference by acting as translator for new signing Nikola Katic.


SSN reporter Roger Clarke gives us an update from Tottenham's training ground in Enfield:
"It will be interesting to see what Spurs do next, with Villa seemingly digging their heels in. They are saying Jack Grealish is not for sale.
"So do Spurs go back in with an improved offer and hope they can force Villa's hand going into TDD? Or do they look elsewhere?
"But Grealish seems to be the one they really seem focussed on and have been all summer..."


Alexis Sanchez says he has put last season behind him and it is all about winning things with Manchester United this term.


Efe Ambrose is confident Hibernian can brush off the loss of Scotland midfielder John McGinn and produce another memorable European performance against Molde.
McGinn was absent from training on Tuesday and Wednesday after going down to Birmingham for talks as Aston Villa battle Celtic for his signature.
"I don't think it's going to affect us," the former Celtic defender said. "We are a team, not an individual. We know it's been coming so we will just focus on the game, that's the most important thing for Hibs.
"We know if John is here he is a plus for the team, he is a good player. So we are without John but we are still here and we still have the quality of player to do well.
"So we focus on the game and leave John to deal with everything that is going on around him.
"We wish him well but in football players come and go so we are not going to be distracted by his transfer."


Hibernian are in talks with Bournemouth over the loan move for Emerson Hyndman, according to Sky sources.
The American has previously played in Scotland while on loan at Rangers in 2017.
Hibs want to get the deal done before the UEFA Deadline tonight so he can play in the Europa League qualifier against Molde at Easter Road tomorrow.


Here’s an update from Sky Sports News reporter Vinny O’Connor at Everton's Finch Farm training ground:
“It’s good news for Evertonians at the moment. This deal is close, very close. Bernard flew into Manchester airport earlier this afternoon.
"Not only was he met there by our camera, but he was also met by Everton’s player liaison officer as well. He made the short trip to Everton’s Finch Farm training ground. He arrived at around 4.15pm and he’s been in there ever since.
"He’s going through the formalities of a medical and they also have to go through the process of sorting out a work permit as well. No real problems are anticipated, certainly from the information we are getting at least. The way this is going to pan out it seems is that once this deal is signed and sealed the likelihood is that Everton will announce Bernard tomorrow, well into time of the 5pm deadline."


The latest from our friends at Football Whispers as we approach tea time...


West Brom have made a £3m bid for Rangers captain James Tavernier, according to Sky sources.
The 26-year-old full-back has made more than 140 appearances for the Ibrox club since joining from Wigan Athletic in 2015 and scored a penalty for Rangers in their opening day draw against Aberdeen on Sunday.


Sky Sports News reporter Kaveh Solhekol gives us an update on Manchester United's pursuit of Jerome Boateng and Harry Maguire, among others...


Alexis Sanchez says Man Utd must sign players of Arturo Vidal's calibre if the club are to compete for trophies this season.
"At United we have to sign big players, with experience," Sanchez told Sky Sports. "Barcelona just signed Arturo Vidal, who is a great player and my team-mate from Chile.
"He is an example of the type of players we need to sign in order to win trophies and compete at the highest level.
"From what I've seen in training, Fred is a player who always wants to get forward, he is always trying to get forward and from a personal point of view I think we'll be able to combine well and it will be good for my game."


Joe Bryan has undergone a medical and looks set to join Aston Villa in the next few hours, SSN understands.
Villa manager Steve Bruce has reportedly fought off interest from a number of Championship clubs for the Bristol City defender.
The fee for the 24-year-old is thought to be in the region of £5m.
Bryan made 48 appearances in all competitions last season and was involved in Bristol City's season-opening 1-1 draw at home to Nottingham Forest on Saturday.


Real Madrid boss Julen Lopetegui says he wants Croatia midfielder Mateo Kovacic to stay at the Bernabeu.


Birmingham have completed the signing of goalkeeper Lee Camp on a free transfer from Cardiff.
The 33-year-old, who spent the second half of last season on loan at Sunderland, has penned a two-year contract with the Sky Bet Championship club.
Camp is set to become Birmingham's first-choice goalkeeper, casting doubts on the future of both David Stockdale and Tomasz Kuszczak.


Bournemouth defender Brad Smith has joined MLS club Seattle Sounders on a season-long loan.
The Australia international made 11 first-team appearances for Bournemouth after moving from Liverpool in 2016, and missed the majority of last season with a hip injury.
Bournemouth retain the option in January to recall Smith from Seattle, who are currently eighth in the Western Conference.


Man Utd are keen to bring Jerome Boateng to Old Trafford – but only on loan, rather than on a permanent basis, SSN understands.
Jose Mourinho still has the German international as his No 1 choice recruit – but privately behind the scenes at United there are fears over a permanent contract for a player with a chequered history of injuries.
Boateng, 29, suffered muscle and tendon injuries over the past three Bundesliga campaigns, missing 27 games in total since December 2016.
With one day left of the summer window, Mourinho is running out of time to find a new central defender. Privately, United believe Harry Maguire is not for sale at Leicester and as things stand, Yerry Mina’s chances coming to Old Trafford looks increasingly slim.
Executive Vice-Chairman Ed Woodward has made funds available to Jose, but is determined not to pay over the odds in the current market.


Wolves are closing in on a deal to sign Belgium international Leander Dendoncker, according to Sky sources.
SSN understands the Anderlecht midfielder travelled to England on Wednesday to discuss personal terms and undergo a medical with the Premier League club.
Dendoncker has made more than 170 appearances for Anderlecht since his debut for the club in 2013.
The 23-year-old has represented Belgium on six occasions and was included in Roberto Martinez's final 23-man squad for the World Cup in Russia, in which the Red Devils finished third.


Brazil midfielder Bernard has arrived at Finch Farm to undergo his medical at Everton.


Middlesbrough have completed the signing of West Ham striker Jordan Hugill on a season-long loan.


Hibernian will be without John McGinn for the Europa League encounter with Molde after Neil Lennon resigned himself to losing the midfielder following bids from Celtic and Aston Villa.


Watford are interested in a loan deal for Southampton’s James Ward-Prowse, according to Sky sources.
However, SSN understands the young English midfielder is not available on loan and the Saints will rebuff any such advances for the player.


Sporting Lisbon, Fenerbahce and Besiktas are all in talks to sign Leicester striker Islam Slimani, according to Sky sources.
Slimani was Leicester’s record signing when they paid Sporting £28m for him two years ago.
The Algerian spent the second half of last season on loan at Newcastle.


Axel Witsel rejected a move to Man Utd this summer, the player's agent has claimed.
Bundesliga side Borussia Dortmund completed a deal to sign Witsel from Chinese side Tianjin Quanjianearlier this week.
"There were other candidates. Manchester United wanted him, Napoli too," Paul Stefani told Belgian outlet HLN.
"But I told Axel: 'At Dortmund you are the number one, at Manchester you are one of the many... and at Napoli too'."


Jack Grealish is very disappointed and disillusioned that Aston Villa are refusing to sell him to Spurs, according to Sky sources.
We understand the midfield player was promised he could leave before Villa’s new owners arrived at the club last month.
Grealish has not given up on moving to Spurs and he is still hoping that Villa will let him move.


As we wait for new signings at Huddersfield, the locals enjoy a game of crown green bowls...


Olivier Giroud says he is set to hold talks with Chelsea over a new contract.
The France World Cup winner joined the Blues from Arsenal in January, but his current deal expires at the end of this season.
Giroud attracted interest from Atletico Madrid earlier this summer.
"No, I am happy here at Chelsea. I just arrived a few months ago and am just starting to settle well,” Giroud told the Standard.
"I still have one year (of my contract) to go with Chelsea, plus maybe another one. I'm going to discuss that with the club at the right time. There is no rush."


Good news for Everton fans as Brazil international Bernard has arrived at Manchester airport ahead of his expected medical at Finch Farm, which the midfielder is expected to have in the next 48 hours.


Watford goalkeeper Daniel Bachmann has moved to Kilmarnock on a season-long loan.
The 24-year-old former Austria U21 international, who joined the Hornets in July 2017, will spend the entire 2018/19 campaign with the Scottish Premiership side who are managed by Steve Clarke.


Lyon manager Bruno Genesio admits Nabil Fekir could still leave the club as the summer transfer window comes to a close.


Why is Tottenham transfer target Jack Grealish worth £25m? We have compared his stats against the average Premier League midfielder to find out..
Read the feature HERE


Rangers confirm midfielder Greg Docherty has joined Shrewsbury Town on a season-long loan deal.
Docherty, who joined the Light Blues from Hamilton Accies in January, has made 14 appearances so far in his time at Ibrox.


Jordi Cruyff has been named manager of Chinese Super League side Chongqing Lifan.
The former Manchester United player ended a successful six-year spell at Maccabi Tel-Aviv earlier this year, which included stints as sporting director and head coach.
The 44-year-old succeeds Paulo Bento, who lost his job with Chongqing Lifan last month.


Sky in Germany are reporting that defender Jerome Boateng turned down a move to Manchester United for football reasons but, we are told he wants to move to United and Jose Mourinho wants to sign him.


One source has told us United have already had two bids turned down by Leicester for Harry Maguire. The second bid was worth about £60m.
Leicester are in advanced talks to sign two centre backs – Filip Benkovic from Dinamo Zagreb and Caglar Soyuncu from Freiburg – at a combined cost of about £35m.
As far as Leicester are concerned, Maguire is not for sale; they signed him for £17m from Hull City last summer and he has four years left on his contract.
Leicester are expected to offer him a new deal after his impressive performances for England in the World Cup this summer.


Sky sources: Leicester defender Harry Maguire is still hoping Manchester United will sign him with just one day to go before the window closes


Football agent Jon Smith says FIFA's deregulation of agents has created a 'watery' situation when it comes to player representation.


Sky sources: Defender Callum Connolly will join Wigan Athletic on a season-long loan from Everton


Aston Villa are in pole position to sign John McGinn despite renewed interest from Celtic, according to Hibernian head coach Neil Lennon.
Hibs midfielder McGinn spent Tuesday in talks with Aston Villa but Celtic are believed to have matched the Sky Bet Championship club's offer after having several previous bids rejected.
Lennon said: "He went down to Birmingham, I think he is having a medical there. A fee has been agreed. I don't know if personal terms have been agreed yet.
"I think Celtic have matched the offer but I think Villa are in the driving position at the minute."


West Brom have rejected an offer from Watford for Craig Dawson, according to Sky sources.
It is understood the offer was an initial loan year-long loan for a fee of £750,000.
The offer also included an option to buy Dawson for £2.5m instalments over four years adding up to a potential total of £10m.


Here's your latest Transfer Centre bulletin from Sky Sports News at lunchtime


Chelsea are in advanced talks to sign Athletic Bilbao's Kepa Arrizabalaga and Maurizio Sarri has been impressed by what he's seen of the goalkeeper.


Paul Pogba has not made any wage demands to keep him at Manchester United, according to Sky sources.
On Tuesday, a newspaper report claimed he had demanded a £200k-a-week wage rise to stay at Old Trafford following interest from Barcelona.
However, we have been told that Pogba has made no wage demands.


Sky sources: Jordan Hugill has arrived on Teesside to undergo a medical with Middlesbrough.
This will be a season-long loan deal for the striker, who signed for West Ham for £9.5m in January.


This one is slaloming a tad, isn't it?
SSN understands that Grealish is disillusioned that his dream move to north London now looks doomed and remains desperate to play for Mauricio Pochettino and to test himself at the highest level for a top four Premier League club.


Sky sources: Jack Grealish remains keen to move to Spurs and is desperate to test his skills in the Champions League.
Grealish, who trained with the Villa squad this morning, was due to complete a £25m move to Spurs until Villa's new owner, Nassef Sawiris intervened.


Leicester City are closing in on the signings of Caglar Soyuncu and Filip Benkovic, SSN understands.
Soyuncu, 22, could cost up to £20m. The Freiburg defender has won 15 international caps for Turkey and Leicester are confident a work permit won’t be a problem.
His agent, Mustafa Dogru, has confirmed on Twitter that they are in negotiations with Leicester over a deal, but he’s stressed there is no agreement yet.
Croatia U21 international defender Benkovic is in Leicester today discussing personal terms. He is expected to undergo a medical later today.


Sky sources: Real Madrid midfielder Mateo Kovacic to have medical at Chelsea today ahead of a loan move.


Olivier Giroud says he and Eden Hazard have spoken to Nabil Fekir about the possibility of joining Chelsea and would “welcome him” at the club.
The 25-year-old Lyon man looked set to join Liverpool from Lyon earlier this summer before negotiations between the clubs ended.
"I spoke to him when we were together in the French national team, when his move to Liverpool fell through," Giroud told Foot Mercato. "Then we discussed Chelsea, and I even think that Eden said a couple of words to him.
"We would obviously welcome him, he is a super player, but I don't know if this is something that could happen as the window closes on Thursday."


We profile Kepa Arrizabalaga as the Spanish goalkeeper edges closer to a big-money transfer to Chelsea...
Read the feature HERE


Big news coming out of Villa Park.
Sky sources: Jack Grealish will not be sold to anyone in this transfer window, despite interest from Tottenham and 'other clubs' this window.
Sources are telling us Aston Villa's new executive chairman Nassef Sawiris has told Tottenham and any other potential suitors he is not interested in their money.


Aston Villa's new owners says Tottenham's £25m bid for Jack Grealish has been rejected outright.


Sky sources: Middlesbrough remain in discussions with Yannick Bolasie as they attempt to persuade him to move to The Championship.
Everton winger Bolasie has been told he’s surplus to requirements at Goodison Park; Crystal Palace are interested but Boro is a more likely destination.
Middlesbrough are discussing both a permanent transfer and/or a loan with a view to a permanent deal. Bolasie is valued around £15m.


The latest from our friends at Football Whispers as we approach midday.


Sky sources: Huddersfield Town defender Jordan Williams undergoing a medical at Barnsley ahead of a permanent move


Sky sources: Middlesbrough are in talks with West Ham over a loan move for Jordan Hugill. The Middlesbrough-born striker only signed for the Hammers for £9.5m in January.


Quite a complicated one, this, but let me explain...
Athletic Bilbao have announced that Kepa Arrizabalaga has bought himself out of his contract.
This is the done thing at Athletic Bilbao; the same happened with Ander Herrera, Javi Martinez and Aymeric Laporte.
It essentially means Kepa is now a free agent and will join Chelsea. The Blues will have paid the money to Kepa, his agent or the company who owns him in order to buy himself out of the contract.
Make sense? Good.


Athletic Bilbao have confirmed goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga's release clause has been activated.
Sky Sports News reported yesterday Chelsea were advanced talks to sign Kepa.


Real Madrid head coach Julen Lopetegui refused to comment on the strong rumours linking Chelsea goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois with a move to the Bernabeu.
"I always say that I'm not talking about players who are not at Real Madrid. Keylor (Navas) is our goalkeeper and there are no other goalkeepers I can talk about except Keylor, Kiko (Casilla), (Andriy) Lunin and Luca (Zidane).
"Keylor is phenomenal, he has our full confidence and is an extraordinary goalkeeper. He's delighted to belong to Real Madrid and we're delighted with him."


Ipswich have signed centre-back Toto Nsiala and midflieder Jon Nolan from Shrewsbury Town for a combined fee of £1.75m.
Both players have signed three-year deals with the club having the option of a further 12 months.


Celtic look set to complete a long-term loan deal for Australia World Cup youngster Daniel Arzani later today.
The 19-year-old midfielder, who made three sub appearances in Russia, has passed a medical and joins Celtic on a two-year loan, having completed his transfer from Melbourne City to Manchester City, SSN understands.


Bayer Leverkusen striker Joel Pohjanpalo has signed a contract extension until 2022, the Bundesliga club have announced.
The 23-year-old Finland international, who is currently recovering from an ankle injury, has made 18 Bungesliga appearances for the side and scored seven goals.


Huddersfield are now in talks with Montpellier winger Isaac Mbenza, according to Sky sources.
Sky Sports News understands Terriers boss David Wagner is keen to add another wide player to his squad after selling Tom Ince to Stoke.
Mbenza scored 10 goals in 43 appearances last season as Montpellier finished comfortably mid-table in Ligue 1.


Derby have completed the signing of Martyn Waghorn from Ipswich.
The 28-year-old striker signs for £5m on a three-year contract.


It now looks likely Jerome Boateng will stay at Bayern Munich or move to PSG.
If PSG are able to present an interesting total package for him, he is likely join them. A decision is expected within the next two weeks.
Boateng has a great relationship with Bayern’s new coach Niko Kovac; they are both from the same district in Berlin and Boateng feels Kovac appreciates him as a player.


And here's why...
Jerome Boateng’s decision not to join Jose Mourinho at Old Trafford was because he doesn’t believe Manchester United can win the Champions League this season.
Sky in Germany understand that Boateng spoke to Jose Mourinho earlier this week to explain that he was honoured by United’s interest in him.
However his aim remains to win one more Champions League title – and he feels United are not strong enough to do so in the forthcoming campaign.


Defender Ben Mee has signed a new three-year contract at Burnley.
The 28-year-old is now committed to at least 2021, with the option of a further 12 months.


Winger Adama Traore has completed his move from Middlesbrough to Wolves on a five-year deal.


Brighton and Hove Albion have completed the signing of midfielder Emily Simpkins.
The 28-year-old joins the club on a free transfer after leaving Doncaster Rovers Belles this summer, and has signed a one-year contract.


Sky sources: Bernard is currently travelling from Brazil and is expected to arrive on Merseyside this afternoon ahead of a medical at Everton.
Sky Sports News understands that Everton manager Marco Silva has played a key role in the last 24 hours, in persuading Bernard to join the club


Midfielder Clucas saw his move to Burnley collapse over the weekend, and Wolves have moved quickly to try to bring him to Molineux.
A formal approach is expected later today.


Wolves are keen to sign midfielder Sam Clucas from Swansea before tomorrow’s deadline, SSN has been told.


It is understood Thibaut Courtois is currently in Belgium awaiting permission from Chelsea to fly to Madrid to undergo a medical.
Real have offered to loan midfielder Mateo Kovacic and pay £35m for the Belgium goalkeeper, but Chelsea are yet to accept the deal.
Courtois is keen to move back to Madrid, where he spent three years with Atletico, due to family reasons.
The 26-year-old, who has less than year remaining on his current contract at Stamford Bridge, did not report back for training on Monday after being given extra time off following the World Cup.


Real Madrid are expecting Thibaut Courtois to arrive in Madrid on Thursday ahead of completing a move to the Bernabeu, according to Sky sources in Belgium.


Thomas Agyepong has joined Hibernian on a loan move from Manchester City.
The 21-year-old is now awaiting the completion of the necessary visa process before joining up with Neil Lennon’s squad.
The winger signed for Manchester City in 2015 from the Right to Dream Academy, spending his time since then on loan at Twente and then two seasons at NAC Breda.


  • Watford have made a £10m offer for Southampton midfielder James Ward-Prowse (Daily Mail)
  • Everton are confident they can sign Chelsea defender Kurt Zouma on loan if they are unable to complete a move for Yerry Mina (Daily Mirror)
  • Burnley have offered £10m for Abdoulaye Touré, the Nantes midfielder (The Times)
  • Fulham have offered £8m for Hugo Mallo, the Celta Vigo right-back (The Times)


Spurs fans: here's what you'd be getting. The best of Jack Grealish from the Championship in the 2017/18 season.


Atletico Madrid have completed the signing of former Blackburn striker Nikola Kalinic from AC Milan.
The 30-year-old, who made 42 appearances for AC Milan last season - scoring six goals - completed his medical in Italy on Tuesday.
Sky Italy report the deal is in the region of €15m (£13.5m) including bonuses.


Moving to Tottenham is perfect for Jack Grealish, says the panel on The Debate show.


Nabil Fekir was left out of the Lyon's squad to face Chelsea last night admid reports of a move to Stamford Bridge.
He did come close to signing for Liverpool this window and Lyon Manager Bruno Genesio can't rule out a late move.
"It's too early to say. He wanted to leave at the end of last season, but came back to training yesterday and was happy.
"Who knows? There may be opportunities that come up before the end of the window. For now, he is a Lyon player."


The latest from our friends at Football Whispers this Wednesday morning...


Maurizio Sarri has hinted Eden Hazard will stay at Chelsea after he held positive talks with the Belgian.
Hazard had been the subject of interest from Real Madrid this summer but Sarri confirmed he has had talks with Belgium star the attacker more than once, suggesting the 'problem' surrounding his future has been resolved.
Sarri said: "I don't see a problem in this moment. I have spoken with Eden two or three times in the last two days.
"He has spoken of everything. I think this problem - the Hazard problem - is not present now."


There are plenty of newspaper reports surrounding Manchester United the day before the window shuts, and the majority of them concern Paul Pogba.
It would be the biggest shock of the window if he was to leave... but the clock is ticking.
  • Pogba wants a £200,000-a-week pay rise to stay at the club, according to The Sun.
  • Meanwhile, the Daily Mail report that Pogba has told United team-mates he wants to leave and has already agreed a £350,000-a-week contract with Barcelona.
  • The Daily Star say United are furious with Pogba's agent Mino Raiola for trying to engineer a move to Barcelona for the France star.
  • Sky in Italy say United have rejected an offer for Pogba from Barcelona of £45m plus Yerry Mina and Andre Gomes.
  • But United apparently have no desire to part with Pogba, who has just returned to training after winning the World Cup with France.


Wayne Rooney hopes Manchester United can mount a Premier League challenge against Manchester City but admitted they need two more signings to do so.
"I hope someone can catch them - it would be nice, so hopefully Manchester United can. I think maybe another signing or two.
"I am sure Jose [Mourinho] has been getting the team right. I know there has been a lot of talk about pre-season in the press but I am sure behind the scenes, Jose has been giving them the right amount of work."


Central Coast Mariners coach Mick Mulvey says Usain Bolt will be treated as any other player when he joins the Australian A-League club this month on an "indefinite" trial.
Mulvey will make the final decision over whether Bolt is offered a contract as the Jamaican sprinting great pursues his long-held dream of playing professional football.
"If it was up to him he'd be coming in without any hoopla but that's impossible for a person of his stature. I'm really happy and really looking forward to having him train with the club.
"I'm sure when he arrives he'll give a good account for himself and we'll see what happens from there. If it works, he will be offered a contract."


The latest transfer bulletin from Sky Sports News this Wednesday morning...



Jurgen Klopp says he's excited about the transfer window but has 'no idea' if there will be any further signings at Liverpool.




And welcome to Sky Sports live Transfer Centre, bringing you all of the latest news and rumours from the window.
It's Wednesday, August 8, and we're in the bizarre position of having just a day-and-a-half of the window left. It's sure to be a frantic day, and we'll bring you absolutely everything until close of play this evening.
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Nigerian international William Troost-Ekong has joined Udinese from Turkish side Bursaspor for an undisclosed fee, the Serie A club have confirmed.
The 24-year-old featured in all three of the Super Eagles' games at the World Cup in Russia.


Sheffield Wednesday's transfer embargo has been lifted by the EFL, the club has confirmed.
In a statement, the Owls said: "We would like to place on record our thanks to the EFL Executive for the support and guidance given to Sheffield Wednesday surrounding this issue.”
It means boss Joss Luhukay can sign players on loan in the final fortnight of the transfer window, which closes on August 31.


Arsenal goalkeeper David Ospina has joined Napoli on a season-long loan.


Liverpool have confirmed Ragnar Klavan's move to Cagliari. In total, the Estonian played 53 times for the Reds, scoring twice.


Ragnar Klavan has completed his £2m move from Liverpool to Cagliari, on the final day of the transfer window in Italy.


Josh Onomah is back from injury but could be set for another season on loan away from Tottenham, according to Football.London.
Onomah spent 2017/18 at Aston Villa, and has seen his Spurs career stall somewhat after featuring in Mauricio Pochettino's first-team squad the previous season.


The transfer window has been shut for more than a week now, but it's taken until today for Caglar Soyuncu to be allowed to join up with his new Leicester team-mates.
The Turkish international defender, 22, had to wait for his UK visa to come through - and now can join up with his side, having only arrived in the UK on Thursday night.


Arsenal forward Stephy Mavididi has completed his move to Juventus, joining the Italian club's B team.
The 20-year-old becomes the latest in an increasingly long line of young English players to move overseas - and you can read more about his transfer here.




Marcelo Bielsa, manager of Leeds, has said he will not use a strong personal relationship with Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino to gain an advantage in the loan window, which remains open for EFL clubs until August 31, as quoted by Yorkshire Evening Post journalist Phil Hay.


Jurgen Klopp mentioned Ragnar Klavan in his pre-match press conference today, with the defender close to a move to Cagliari by the close of play (the Italian transfer window closes this evening).
Here's what he said: "I didn't hear anything that anything is finally sorted so nothing to say from me on that but I said before in general it's possible that players still will leave the club.
"If that happens, it will always be good for both sides, or all three sides even – that's the target. No player would leave the club if I would not allow it. If he leaves, then I said yes to it."


Right-back Darmian was close to leaving Manchester United this summer - but having not received a suitable offer, Jose Mourinho says he is happy to have the Italian defender with his squad.


Jose Mourinho reveals the 'truth' about his relationship with Paul Pogba.


Cristiano Ronaldo is curious to find out about life in Serie A and will make his Juventus debut against Chievo on Saturday, coach Max Allegri confirmed.
"I didn't give Ronaldo any advice. He's very intrigued to understand how teams play in Italy," said Allegri as Juventus begin their campaign.
"Ronaldo will make his debut. Wojciech Szczesny, Giorgio Chiellini, Leonardo Bonucci and Miralem Pjanic will play and the two full-backs on each side will be Joao Cancelo and Alex Sandro.
"Everyone is in good condition, even Mario Mandzukic and Blaise Matuidi, who both went all the way to the final in the World Cup."



Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri says he is sure Eden Hazard will remain at the club beyond the end of the European transfer window.
Sarri said: "I have spoken to him often in 10 days, but he has never said anything about [leaving]. I am sure Eden will be with us this season."


Jurgen Klopp has explained how Liverpool will make decisions on any further outgoing transfers this month.
He told a pre-match press conference: “It’s about the situation. It’s about how the offer is. First of all, how is the need for us? So, can we give him the opportunity if he wants to leave? Can we do that or not? That’s it. Then there’s an offer and somebody has to accept the offer or not.
“That’s maybe a bit of the problem that the transfer window closed in England and the whole European world was waiting for that moment and starts now trying to dump prices or whatever to get good football players. That will not happen. We are not in a financial need situation where we have to do that.
“But I really think we could give a few players the opportunity – but we have to see how many. There is no number in my mind at the moment.”


Sky Sources understand Olympiacos have made a bid for Fulham winger Rui Fonte on loan. Leganes and Bordeaux have also made enquiries.


Real Madrid have reported Inter Milan to FIFA over their pursuit of midfielder Luka Modric.
A FIFA spokesperson confirmed to Press Association Sport that football's world governing body had received a complaint from the Spanish club regarding the Serie A side's attempt to sign Croatia international Modric.
Given that the Italian transfer window closes on Friday evening, it appears certain that Inter will not succeed in their mission to lure Modric away from the Bernabeu.


Everton manager Marco Silva has confirmed that loan signing Kurt Zouma will be available for this weekend's game against Southampton.
However, Andre Gomes and Yerry Mina are still not available.



Millwall have confirmed the signing of Jem Karacan on a short-term deal.
The midfielder, who made seven appearances whilst on loan in the 2007/8 season, re-joins the club until January 2019 to bolster Neil Harris' options.


Everton manager Marco Silva has been giving updates on two of his players and their respective futures.
Of Mo Besic and Yannick Bolasie, he said: “We’ll see [if they leave.] We have a big squad in this moment but it is normal that they want to play more minutes.
“Our board are working on them things and if we have any updates I will tell you in the next few days. I am focused on the games and training sessions.”


Barnsley's Dylan Mottley-Henry has today joined Sky Bet League Two side Tranmere Rovers on a loan deal until January 2019.



Cuco Martina has completed his move from Everton to Stoke on a season-long loan.


Joel Campbell has joined Serie A side Frosinone on a permanent transfer from Arsenal. He spent time on loan at Lorient, Olympiacos, Vilarreal, Sporting Lisbon and had two spells with Spanish side Real Betis, where he spent the duration of the 2017/18 season. He also made made 40 first-team appearances for Arsenal.


Carlisle have announced the signing of striker Ashley Nadesan on a six-month loan from Fleetwood.
It's a second spell at Brunton Park for the 23-year-old - who spent the second half of last season in Cumbria - and he will now link up with former Fleetwood boss John Sheridan until January.


Sky in Italy is reporting that Newcastle left-back Achraf Lazaar having a medical in Italy ahead of his move to Genoa.


Grimsby have signed striker and free agent Wes Thomas on a one-year-deal.
The 31-year-old joins following a spell with Sky Bet League One side, Oxford United, where he spent two years going on to make 57 appearances in all competitions and scoring 15 goals.



Arsenal striker Stephy Mavididi has passed a medical and agreed personal terms on a move to Juventus, according to Sky sources.
Mavididi, who has never made a senior appearance for Arsenal, has previously spent time on loan at Charlton and Preston. He has represented England at U17, U18, U19 and U20 level.


Allan Nyom has left West Brom for Spanish side Leganes on a season-long loan deal.
The Madrid outfit, who finished 17th in La Liga last season, will pay an undisclosed conditional loan fee for the Cameroon international.
Allan has made 69 appearances for the Baggies since joining from Watford in 2016.


Here are the latest transfer rumours from our friends at Football Whispers...


Hearts and Rangers remain locked in negotiations this lunchtime over the transfer of striker Kyle Lafferty, Sky Sports News understands.
The two clubs are believed to be edging closer to an agreement that would see Lafferty return to Ibrox, but it looks unlikely that any agreement will be reached before Hearts face Dunfermline in the League Cup on Saturday
It’s unclear if Lafferty will be available for the game at East End Park, after he missed training on Thursday. He scored the winner against Celtic last Saturday. Rangers travel to Kilmarnock for their League Cup tie on Sunday


Stiliyan Petrov believes Dedryck Boyata's Celtic career is over after his Champions League no-show.
"The Boyata situation has cost Celtic because he was a big part of their defence," said former midfielder Petrov, who made over 300 appearances for the club. "If you had him at AEK it could have been a different score."
Head here to


AC Milan have announced the signings of Spanish forward Samu Castillejo and Uruguayan midfielder Diego Laxalt from Villarreal and Genoa respectively. Both players join the club on a permanent basis.


Lille left-back Hamza Mendyl has joined Schalke, with the Bundesliga side looking to strengthen in this area as Bastian Oczipka recovers from injury.
L'Equipe reports that the Morocco international will cost the German side around £5m.


Eddie Howe says Bournemouth's record signing Jefferson Lerma has had a good week in training and is getting closer to making his debut.


Celtic have announced that Australia international, Daniel Arzani, has joined the club on a two-year loan deal from Manchester City, subject to international clearance.
The 19-year-old, who played for his country at the World Cup in Russia, made the move from Melbourne City to Manchester City, but will now spend the next two years at Celtic Park.


Gus Poyet has been suspended as manager of Bordeaux after an emotional bust-up with the club's owners.
The former Brighton and Sunderland boss labelled the French club a "disgrace" after one of his strikers, Gaetan Laborde, was sold to league-rivals Montpellier without his knowledge on Thursday.
"No I am not happy, It is one of my worst days at the club," the 50-year-old Uruguayan said. "What the club have done with Gaetan Laborde is a disgrace. I think we have to stop here. I told the club not to let him leave until we had bought someone else."


Former Portugal boss Paulo Bento will coach South Korea over the next four years through the 2022 Qatar World Cup, the Korea Football Association (KFA) announced Friday.
Kim Pan-gon, a top KFA official in charge of finding a new coach, said that with "four years of patience and support" Bento will take the team to new heights.
"Coach Bento fits the Korean football style as he pursues high-pressing games and tight defences denying opponents chances for counterattacks," Kim told journalists. "He is professional, charismatic and has passion and confidence.”


Malaga striker Youssef En-Nesyri has joined La Liga side Leganes.
Last season, he scored four goals in 25 league games, and scored against Spain in the World Cup group stages in Russia.


One player Southampton manager Mark Hughes is willing to let go is third-choice goalkeeper Fraser Forster.
The out-of-favour England international, who is competing with Alex McCarthy and Angus Gunn for a starting place, has rejected a number of loan deals but may be open to a move abroad.
"There have been clubs in, some that Fraser didn't feel were right for him and that's his prerogative," said Hughes. "He wants to play and I've told him he needs to play, but we'll see.
"If there's an interesting option abroad, which I think he's intimated he wouldn't be adverse to, then that might happen."


Mark Hughes has reassured Southampton captain Steven Davis and striker Shane Long that they remain in his long-term plans.
Davis and Long were left out of Saints' 18-man squad for the goalless draw with Burnley on the opening weekend of the Premier League season.
"I've explained to the guys that didn't play that it's not a reflection on me thinking I don't need them or they're not in my plans because that's not the case," said Hughes ahead of Saturday's trip to Everton.
"I think players, unfortunately - and it happened in my day - when they are not in the first 11 for the first game of the season all of a sudden they get a little bit anxious and think maybe my future lies elsewhere and agents are telling them they've got to move.
"And that's not the case with Shane and the likes of Steven Davis. They're very much part of what we're going to do this year and I just said to them: 'At the end of the year, you'll look back on the season and you'll find that you've played many, many games so bear with me'."


Aston Villa manager Steve Bruce has indicated in his pre-match press conference that a new deal with Jack Grealish could be close, as well as targeting a few more new faces.


Former QPR midfielder Stephane Mbia has signed a one-year deal with Toulouse.


Mauricio Pochettino is anticipating players leaving Tottenham before the European transfer deadline and insists he is happy to let anyone go that is not committed to his plans.
He said: "Maybe, yes, we are going to see if some players believe that they can achieve their goals in another club. Maybe they are going to move. Different individual things can happen in the next few weeks.
"If some player is not happy because he needs to play or believes he can play more at another team, or needs to change the environment, or needs a new challenge or motivation, I told them that I am open to find the solution.
"It is so clear the rules. It is so clear my message. I promise I am going to fix it if someone is not happy to be here for the next five months until the transfer window opens again. All people here need to feel they can be part of the team, and help the team any time the manager commands."


Sky in Italy are reporting that Benevento are in advanced talks with Leicester over midfielder Bartosz Kapustka
The likely deal is on loan with an option to buy.


Rangers boss Steven Gerrard is ready to reward Alfredo Morelos with a bumper new deal after warning Bordeaux not to bother making a fresh bid.
He said: "It's the right decision to reject it, it's nowhere near high enough. It's a player we don't want to sell and have no ambitions too. Teams can't think they can knock at our door and pinch our best players for derisory bids. It's not going to happen.
"For me, I want him to stay. I want him to sign a new deal on improved terms and help the rest of us be successful moving forward. I'm wise enough to know that every single player on the planet has a price - but the message to Bordeaux is we don't want to sell.
"If they want the player then they need to show some respect and come blow us out the water with a massive, massive bid. Otherwise, don't pick the phone up."


Sky in Italy are reporting that Cagliari and Liverpool in advanced talks over defender Ragnar Klavan.
The Estonian defender should arrive in Italy this afternoon in a deal worth around £2m.
The Italian transfer window closes at 1900 UK time today


Former Bolton Wanderers striker Adam Le Fondre has joined Australian A-League side Sydney FC.
Bolton announced on Tuesday that they had agreed to release the 31-year-old to allow him to pursue an “opportunity of a lifetime”.
Le Fondre, who featured for Reading in the Premier League, has signed a “multi-year deal” with Sydney.


Juventus have agreed to cancel the contract of midfielder Claudio Marchisio.
The 32-year-old has been at the club since 2005, and made 389 appearances.


Chelsea held talks with Lyon over Nabil Fekir before the transfer deadline, but Maurizio Sarri opted against a deal, according to The Sun.
The deal stalled as a number of Blues players decided to stay at the club - including Eden Hazard and Willian - meaning Fekir's services were not needed.


The Debate panel discussed whether Paul Pogba has more power at Manchester United than Jose Mourinho, and the feeling was unanimous.
United have described reports Mourinho and Pogba had a big bust-up as "absolute nonsense", insisting their relationship is good, after several newspapers reported on Thursday Mourinho had warned the France World Cup winner not to speak out to the media and he should ask for a transfer if he wanted to quit the club.
Ian Wright, speaking on The Debate, believes Pogba has the power at Old Trafford, and insists Mourinho must attempt to extinguish the problem as soon as possible, for his own good.
Head HERE to read!


Liverpool midfielder James Milner says their new signings mean they now have the strength in depth needed for a possible title challenge.


Tottenham's Lucas Moura is wanted by Spanish side Real Betis, just six months after he switched to north London, according to The Sun.
The Brazilian only arrived at Spurs in January although has struggled to make an impact, but did have a good pre-season.


Barcelona have sold Marlon Santos to Serie A side Sassuolo for €6m (£5.3m).
Barcelona will retain the right to buy back the player and will take 50 per cent of the fee on any future sale, although this will come into effect if Santos plays 50 games for the club.


Juventus are closing in on a deal to sign Arsenal striker Stephy Mavididi, according to Sky sources.
It is understood the deal for the 20-year-old could be completed in the next 24 hours with the player having flown to Italy to undergo a medical.


Luka Modric's chances of joining Inter Milan before Friday's transfer deadline are slipping out of sight, according to Sky in Italy.
They report a further confrontation between the agents of the midfielder and Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has taken place in which it was reiterated the will of the player to leave.
But Perez continues to make a wall and does not want to hear about it, especially after yesterday's defeat to rivals Atletico in the UEFA Super Cup final in Estonia.
According to Sky in Italy, it appears very difficult to see Modric move to the Italian club before the country's 7pm (UK time) deadline on Friday.


  • Tottenham's Lucas Moura is wanted by Spanish side Real Betis, just six months after he switched to north London. (The Sun)
  • Manchester United are refusing to sell Paul Pogba this summer - even after his latest bust-up with Jose Mourinho. (The Sun)
  • Arsenal are confident Aaron Ramsey will sign a new contract, despite big-money offers from abroad. (Daily Mirror)
  • Olivier Ntcham will not be sold this summer as Porto attempt to exploit Celtic's Champions League misery. (Daily Record)
  • Chelsea held talks with Lyon over Nabil Fekir before the transfer deadline, but Maurizio Sarri opted against a deal. (The Sun)


Hello and welcome to another day on the Transfer Centre. Today is Deadline Day in Italy so we'll be bringing you all the latest developments plus we'll have the rest of the latest news, done deals and rumours right here.
First up, Paper Talk!


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